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HOS vs cimex

July 24 2011 at 10:21 PM

I need feedback regarding possible purchase of a hos orbot. Up till now I have been using a cimex but now that I am without one I am interested in the orbot because of its looks and versatility. I find the cimex to be incredible but it is very bulky and difficult to get in and out of a truck. What are the drawbacks of the hos compared to the cimex and likewise what are its strengths over the cimex system? Also Can anyone tell me what the hos system costs?

Joe Gilstrap

Re: HOS vs cimex

July 24 2011, 11:58 PM 

Cimex is great on commercial. The Orbot is a fantastic all around machine. You can easily do residential and commercial with it. It is also great for tile and grout.

The Orbot with the Spray Borg is an awesome setup that will allow you to handle basically any carpet cleaning situation.

I have been running mine now for close to 3 years.

Just my opinion.


Re: HOS vs cimex

July 25 2011, 8:49 AM 

I have had the Orbot for quite a while now, we love the machine, easy to use easy to teach how to use. Might I suggest you get the weight set with it other wise in my view it is not aggressive enough on carpet. You will also be able to to T&G that way.

Another way to go is to purchase a 2 speed buffer 175 320 machine. Run it on 320 with the fiber plus pads, you will get good production that way.

If you purchase or use a buffer use a shampoo tank.


Denise Ulrich

Re: HOS vs cimex

July 29 2011, 2:27 PM 

Are you using this machine on both residential and commercial?


Love my Orbot

July 25 2011, 1:33 PM 

I have been very happy with my Orbot. You are a little slower than a Cimex but you have great versatility. It is easy to move and easy to run. Great money maker for me!

Nick Palumbo

Re: HOS vs cimex

July 25 2011, 2:54 PM 

Man, I love my orbot. I have the spray borg but I took it off. Eaiser to do residential. I like to prespray anyway. I've used it to clean tile and grout and had no problems even without the grout brush and weights. Good chemical let it sit and your off. I agree with the others the cimex is a little faster but it's also heavy and bulky. I like they way the handle folds down on the orbot easy to lift in and out of my van. I hope this helps.

Joe Gilstrap

Spray Borg

July 25 2011, 8:37 PM 

Man, there is no way that I could do without my sprayer. I love that thing. It also adds head weight.


Joe DeSouza

Re: Spray Borg

July 26 2011, 6:52 PM 

Ok my personal opinion - NOTHING beats the cimex, and I speak from experience as I have 3 cimex's and the sprayborg...Its good for residential, esp. berber, and good for doing touch ups after cimex cleaning on commercial...also good after HWE a resi berber that was filthy...I just did a huge mall, and I used the orbot with hydrox run thru it on the brighter colored squares in the carpet (It was blue with 10x20 orange and green areas in the pattern) and the colors POPPED!

But...the orbot on its own just does not dig deep enough into the pile as the cimex does so as a stand alone commercial cleaning machine, I say no way...but as a second tool AFTER after the cimex its killer...its the only machine besides my truckmount that stays in the truck 24/7, but being a "swiss army knife" like it is, it has limitations...would you skin a deer with a swiss army knife?..I think u catch my drift...



Re: Spray Borg

July 26 2011, 8:49 PM 

Add 10 or 20 pounds of weight to the Orbot and see how much more aggressive it is!!!! wow it sure helps


Joe DeSouza

hey Dave

July 27 2011, 9:26 AM 

How do you add weight to the orbot? Could u maybe post pictures? I can see how that can help because it would dig deeper




Re: hey Dave

July 27 2011, 1:24 PM 

they make weight sets for the Orbot.

Judd Bowers

Re: Spray Borg

August 24 2011, 5:21 PM 

I bought the weight set for my SprayBorg and I keep a plate on each side (16 lbs. total) at all times. It works awesome! Especially once I realized I saved money on less chemical. Increase agitation, lessen chemical.

I've tried the Cimex, it works great, but I think it looks very dated and cheap. Customers agree. The advantage over the HOS is sq.ft. per hour, however, the HOS has landed me jobs just on how it looks and works. I cleaned a residence in a retirement community, the householder was so impressed that she called her girlfriends over to watch me clean, (and I'm not good looking). Long story short, 1 job turned into 5 and $1100!

Kelly Wilmoth

Re: Spray Borg

September 16 2011, 5:51 PM 

Yes, I know Judd and he's not good looking. Has to be the machine! I've had mine for about 3 years now. No weights, no sprayborg, and I've never found a job it couldn't handle. By far the best looking machine on the market.

Current Topic - HOS vs cimex
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