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Garage Sale Uggggggg

July 29 2011 at 11:03 AM
Rick Lord  

Geez wife wants to participate in neighborhood garage sale so here I sit all morning in Georgia heat for $115 so far. Did I mention I had to move a $700 color seal job to Sunday so I could sit here for this yuck!!

Joe M

Who the heck

July 29 2011, 1:30 PM 

Who the heck has a grage sale on a Friday? You Reb's don't have Saturdays down there?

Tell the wife what ever you sell that is yours you keep the money.

Rick Lord

Lol Joe

July 29 2011, 1:40 PM 

Not only Friday but Sat also. I'm gonna take off about 12 tomorrow and do the prep work and maybe start on one of the areas.


Re: Lol Joe

July 29 2011, 2:20 PM 

The last time we had a garage sell years ago I swore that was it for me, never again! People trying to negotiate from .50 to a quarter and .25 to a dime. Had one loser lady that tried this and I said "no, get lost, if you can't afford a quarter you shouldn't be driving around." Then she hits our mailbox pulling out of the driveway and just keeps driving. Then to top it off she has the nerve to come back an hour or so later trying to renegotiate. I thought I was gonna lose it.

Now we just donate the cheap stuff and sell the other things of value on Craigslist. I don't mean to discourage you though Rick. I'm sure you'll be a better man for doing it. LOL

Have fun!!!!


This message has been edited by JeffCutshall on Jul 29, 2011 2:25 PM


Garage Sale

July 30 2011, 5:38 PM 

My idea of a garage sale is a dumpster and a cold Bud.

Current Topic - Garage Sale Uggggggg
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