Hi Brandon,
Thanks! The program was a lot of fun. I was enjoyed talking about commercial carpet cleaning. But you probably notice that if you get a chance to listen last night

The carpet inspection form is a strategy to help you to evaluate the condition of the carpet in the maintenance of the carpet throughout the building. And that positions you as the expert. It shows that you are proactive and ready to address all of their maintenance issues and needs.
The carpet inspection form looks at things such as the condition of the parking lot, the entry mats, wear areas, the condition of the vacuum cleaner, spot removal, carpet construction, fiber type, maintenance intervals, etc. It's a great way to open up the dialogue with the prospect to determine what their needs are, and as mentioned to establish the fact that you're the pro and you're ready to take care of every situation that they have in their building. That's one of the forms that's in the CMS program. But of course you could set up something like this on your own too.
Regarding shower feed Absolutely, positively, you need a shower feed system to do proper encap cleaning. Shower feeding the solution through shampoo tank gives you much greater control than what you would achieve by spraying the solution on the carpet. Spraying the solution makes it difficult to control the flow of the solution. Some areas may be wetter, some areas may be drier. It's really hard to gauge how much solution you're putting down and have good control. With the shampoo tank, you can add more, or you can use lessit's up to you.
By using the shampoo tank and the FiberPlus pads, you'll have extremely good control over the application of your encap detergent. In fact probably be able to use even less detergent than you would if you were springing down; plus the results will be far more consistent.
You mentioned using the HOS machine. That's a great machine. And having the sprayer directly mounted to the front of the machine makes it possible to get good control as you spray the solution downalmost as good as using the shampoo tank.
And if you consider a Cimex machineit's a killer option too. The Cimex makes it possible to clean at very high production rates (2000 to 3000 ft.² per hour) and get extremely good results. That's why it's so well-liked by many commercial carpet cleaners. And when you put it together with the best encap juice in the industry (Releasit) you've got a winning combination!
If I can help you in any way, please don't hesitate call on me.
Thanks for listening and last night.
Rick Gelinas