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Please help with my Cimex!

August 6 2011 at 2:49 PM

I'm having problems with my Cimex. It's literally squirting product out the side in one area. It's not from holding the handle and using excess product, I've been using it for a few years. Also, when I finish and flip the head up it dumps about a cup of product. Has anyone experienced this? I cleaned the plumbing holes out. The squirting thing is like a little squirt gun. It looks like it's coming from the upper deck area. It doesn't seem to be foaming at all like usual. I'm guessing there's not the normal amount of product being put down.

I would sure appreciate the help. Thank you, wayne

Rick Lord

Squirting Product out the side

August 6 2011, 3:13 PM 

The only thing I can think of is the nipple where the hose fits onto the deck is cracked (quite common)
Do a search on this Forum. But basically the fix is to take the tube from the inside of a sprayer bottle and cut of a couple of inches and shove the tubing up one end and shove then shove it down into the nipple as far as possible.
That's all I can think of I'm sure Rick G will be along with some better ideas.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Squirting Product out the side

August 6 2011, 5:03 PM 

I know you cleaned out your plumbing, but you are still having a problem. You'll need to clean it again. If the plumbing is plugged up, it may require multiple cleanings to remove all of the gunk. Picture it like the person who has open heart surgery, and shortly after the surgery has a massive stroke and dies. Sad but true, that actually happens fairly often. It's because the plaque and crud in their arteries breaks free and flows through to their brain and they die. So how does that apply to the Cimex machine? Same principle. You give it a cleaning, and the gunk now flows through the system and plugs up the plumbing all over again. So the trick is to do a few cleanings in succession if you're experiencing problems. Multiple cleanings along with blasting high-pressure water through the head of the machine will enable you to get past the crud in the system. It is imperative that you have a clean flow for the Cimex to function properly. When the head of the machine gets plugged up, water will definitely squirt over the top of the bowl/blue drive deck. So really focus on cleaning out the machine and you'll be good as new again.

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 6, 2011 5:03 PM


Clean as a whistle

August 6 2011, 6:09 PM 

I may also help if there is a build-up of crud in the lines to treat and soak.

By this I mean that you block the outlet holes and squirt some acetic acid or other dis-solver in through the flush ports until they overflow.

Let it work for a while before high pressure flushing of all lines.

Back-flushing can also loosen clogged areas.

Periodic maintenance has kept my Big Yella out of a workshop for many years.

The next time will be the first.

Hope this helps.



Thank you guys

August 6 2011, 6:49 PM 

I'll give it a good cleaning and also look at that plastic part. Thanks again, wayne


That worked!

August 9 2011, 11:36 AM 

Thanks a bunch, I flushed it out with the garden hose through all the openings and it works like new again. This is a great board! Excellent Supply is a super great company, they really know how to take care of their customers.


Rick Gelinas

Re: That worked!

August 11 2011, 6:02 PM 

Glad to hear that we could help you Wayne.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - Please help with my Cimex!
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