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photo contest

August 7 2011 at 12:08 AM
carl Schrag  

This was a forecloser that was just trashed. I had my wife pre-scrub the whole house with punch. Then i got out my truckmount and roto-vac 360 with punch again. The results amazed even me. WOW. By the way those are not Big Boy Wheels......those are Big Girl Wheels! I cut the cimex axle in (3) 2" sections,drilled a 5/8 " hole in them. Then i got a 5/8" axle and a pair of non-marking wheels with ball great. An easier way is to buy Rick's big boy wheel kit. Butch


Rick Gelinas

Re: photo contest

August 7 2011, 6:28 AM 


[linked image]

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 9, 2011 2:46 AM


Kevin Pearson

Re: photo contest

August 7 2011, 8:04 PM 


That is some amazing pictures. It looks like you could have skipped the HWE step even. Good job.

Kevin Pearson

carl Schrag

Re: photo contest

August 8 2011, 1:15 PM 

Thank you Kevin. This carpet was so impacted with dirt that it really did need HWE. This was a job I did for a friend that just bought the house,so i wanted to do a real good job so he didn't live in that mess.Something else i have done. is to pre-scrub with the cimex with punch in it.Than extract with my ROTO-VAC CFX (continuous flow extractor) and a ROTO-VAC 360.The results were very good. If you don't have a tructmount or can't use it, this is one way you can do very good quality work ---with out the expense of a truckmount.

Denise U

Pads or Brushes?

August 8 2011, 9:32 PM 

Hi Carl,

I will just be getting my cimex on Thursday so I am trying to learn the ropes from those of you that are experienced. I am supposed to clean a carpet this weekend and although it is not a very dirty carpet they want it freshened up to put the home on the market. I have both the HWE portable machine and now the cimex. I am thinking of just using the cimex with encap. Did you use the fiber pads or brushes? I couldn't tell from the photo. Do you use the cimex first in those really "bad" situations and then HWE last? or vice versa? Also did you use a detergent in your HWE machine or only the punch with the cimex? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

Denise U

carl Schrag

Re: Pads or Brushes?

August 8 2011, 10:16 PM 

First of all,congrats on getting a cimex----your going to love it.I Cimexed the carpet first with ENCAP-PUNCH (do not use encap-clean if you are going to extract--it will foam up and you can not extract foam)(encap-punch does not foam) I used the fiber plus pads on this job,however i do use the brushes on carpets that will not take a lot of agitation.(soft plushes,etc) I also ran punch through my extractor. Hope this helps.


Pads or Brushes?

August 8 2011, 10:36 PM 

Thanks, Carl for the info. Also you said you use brushes on carpets that don't take a lot of agitation. I thought it looked like the carpet in the pictures was a plush?? If not what was it?

carl Schrag

Re: Pads or Brushes?

August 9 2011, 12:09 AM 

It was not a real soft plush, if that makes any sense? I use the brushes on the real thick,soft plush carpets. However,i try not to use the cimex on those carpets at all,if possible.

Current Topic - photo contest
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