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chemical questions

August 14 2011 at 3:18 AM
Kenny Wright  

Ive been reading some of this forum; great information here. I have a 10,000 sqft job coming up at a hospitals office space and conference rooms. It is mainly traffic lanes and coffee, tea, soda, and food spills to deal with. I am going to use the Cimex and cut in the corners, etc. with a wand. Should I encap with Encap-HydrOx, Releas-It DS or Encap-punch?

Id also like to know the dilution per gallon for HWE prespray using Encap-punch and whether Encap-punch works as well as HydrOx on the food and drink spots when encapping?

Also, I have many residential accounts with light colored olefin berber. Could I prespray Encap-punch, scrub with a Cimex or other rotary, and HWE?

chris g

Re: chemical questions

August 14 2011, 10:20 AM 

ds2 or hydrox will work. I have used ds2 6oz to gal. on a conference room before with tea, soda, and coffee stains and pre-sprayed with punch (mix according to bottle) using pump up sprayer, this was all done using encap method. I didnt have to touch up anything but gum and if I had, stain magic would have worked on the tea or soda. I also used hydrox on another nylon berber in a church that had major coffee and soda stains. I mixed 10oz per gallon for machine tank and 12 oz for pre-spray pump up sprayer. This is a light blue carpet and it looks great when it is done!
[IMG][linked image][/IMG]
[IMG][linked image][/IMG]


Thanks, what about encap punch?

August 14 2011, 11:35 PM 

Thanks, I'll stick with the Release-It DS for the encap jobs and have some Hydrox handy just in case I need it.

What about Encap-punch; is it used as a HWE prespray, in the hwe rinse, or either/both? What is the recommended hwe prespray mix ratio listed on the jug?



August 15 2011, 9:23 AM 

I have found that the search box will gather you a wealth of info on this subject and you don't have to wait for a reply.


Rick Gelinas

They're all good

August 16 2011, 3:50 AM 

For greasy restaurants, Encap-Clean DS2 is a great product. It consumes oily soils extremely well. And if the soil conditions are especially bad, pre-spraying with Encap-Punch can add some extra "punch" to the cleaning. Encap-Punch mixes at 8, 10, or 12 ounces per gallon as a pre-spray, depending on the soil conditions. This combination will work for the lion's share of all heavy soil conditions you might encounter.

Encap-HydrOx is also a wonderful product for food stains and organic soil. Plus it works very well on browning conditions, and organic stains such as red wine, coffee, urine, etc. Encap-HydrOx is becoming a favorite of many cleaners for dealing with these types of conditions.

Hope that helps to answer your questions. And you can also give us a call 1-800-330-1888 and we will be happy to assist you.

Rick Gelinas





August 16 2011, 8:49 PM 

I wanted to make sure I knew beforehand what I was ordering. I'll be ordering a case of DS, encap punch, hydrox, and some odds and ends in the morning.

A special thanks to the lady who answered the phone Monday. I had to deal with a lot of cat urine on a cgd basement floor and her chemical recommendation nailed it!

Kenny Wright


August 16 2011, 8:50 PM 

That was me as "anonymous". I haven't gotten used to the forum format.

Current Topic - chemical questions
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS