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Not the same pad????

August 22 2011 at 8:16 PM

I recently received a box of fibermax pads a few weeks ago. When I opened them they were not as dense as the previous pads that I still had from before.
To prove this I had one older pad (never used)and 2 of the new ones on my 19 inch Cimex, after i did the job you could see how the older old was not as compacted as the other two.

Anyone notice this, I can cut up 20" Gorilla pads if I have to, but I did like the older max pads.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Not the same pad????

August 23 2011, 6:24 AM 

Hi Ron,

I am sorry to hear that you're having an issue with your FiberPlus Max pads. If there is any problem with them just call us at 1-800-330-1888, and we will be more than happy to take care of you.

Just for the record, there are sometimes variables between batches of pads. This is a characteristic of pad manufacturing. Pads are manufactured by combining loose fiber, that is sprayed with the binder material, rolled flat, baked, and then cut. Our manufacturer strives for consistency, yet there can sometimes be some slight variations in density as the loose fiber gets combined with the binder material prior to the baking process. So if by chance there's something unusual that you're seeing, we certainly want to know about it so that we can bring it to the attention of the manufacturer. However we haven't heard any complaints about the current FiberPlus Max pads.

Please give us a call, and we will be more than happy to take care of you. Your satisfaction as an Excellent Supply customer is what matters to us. That may sound a bit corny, but it's the truth!

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 23, 2011 6:26 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Not the same pad????

August 23 2011, 10:09 AM 


One more thing... on the top middle of each label in very fine print there is a production date and time. If you could shoot me an email or call with that information it would help us track down what you're looking at.

We discussed this this morning, and none of us have heard a single complaint about any recent pads. Give us a shout and we can hopefully figure out what you're seeing and get you taken care of. Thanks

Rick Gelinas




Re: Not the same pad????

August 23 2011, 11:39 PM 

I totally understand, I really notice it right away when i took the new ones out of the box and put it with the older one I had left from before. I actually said to myself, that these are not the same.
I will get that info off the box.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Not the same pad????

August 24 2011, 10:03 AM 

Another possibility is this. We got in one unusual batch several months back. The batch was actually much more dense than normal (kinda like me sometimes). Perhaps your previous pads came from that batch and now the normal FP Max pads look less impressive. I'm thinking that may be the case, since we haven't seen any weirdness going on with any of our recent batches of FP Max pads, and we haven't heard any negative comments. It's just a possibility.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - Not the same pad????
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