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Hard Surface Portable Extractor & Accessories Fos Sale

August 24 2011 at 9:13 PM
Randy Beckner  

I have a used but in excellent condition, portable hard surface portable and many accessories for sale. Below is the list of what is available:

1) Timbucktoo Mfg M-1500 high pressure extractor, adjustable pressure up to 1500 psi, auto fill & dump, separate circuit indicator light, 2 ea 50' 12-3 power cords, includes 50' of auto dump hose and 50' of auto fill hose, 50' of 1/4" high pressure hose and 50' of 11/2" vac hose, has 2 ea 2 stage vac motors, hypro pump, sound insulated, 143 hours of usage
Price: $1495.00

2) Timbucktoo Mfg Hydroblade 19" motorized spinner, like new
Price: $295.00

3) Timbucktoo Mfg 12" 4 jet squeegee hard surface wand, approx 70 hours
Price: $195.00

4) Aw-42 12" tile spinner, older units looks rough works fine, new QC and 0501 jets
Price: $195.00

5) 12" 2 jet carpet wand less than 30 hours bought from interlink
Price: $150.00

6) 4" single external jet upholstery wand, less than 30 hours bought from interlink
Price: $50.00

7) High Pressure inline chemical sprayer with 2ea 5 Qt jugs
Price: $50.00

8) Little Giant 3HT high pressure propane heater, old unit, has new thermostat and gas regulator, no leaks, fires right up
Price: $295.00

I am flexible on some items but not on all items. I would perfer to sell these items as a group and would offer a group pricing discount. I have some varied chemicals that I will throw in to the buyer of the extractor or the entire grouping.

I can email photos to anyone interested and I will take paypal for payment if needed. I have changed my business core and bought this equipment as backup to my truckmount and security locations and just do not use anymore!

I am located in souhteast Georgia! Thanks for looking!


Joe DeSouza


August 25 2011, 4:47 PM 

I may be interested in the little giant heater - could you send me some pix? Im in northeast florida, south of Jacksonville so im probably not too far from you?

send it to:



Randy Beckner

Equipment has SOLD!

August 29 2011, 8:28 PM 

Thanks for the interest but the entire list of equipment has sold!

Current Topic - Hard Surface Portable Extractor & Accessories Fos Sale
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