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September 4 2011 at 10:42 AM
Bob Cairns  

Hey gang - as you may or may not know - I threw this site up on a domain I had for a while. I was thinking of using it as a directory site of providers. If anybody is interested - get a hold of me. I would put up names, addresses and ph numbers at no charge. Might offer enhanced listings later but not sure.
I will also post guest articles if you have them.
Just a thought.


Rick Gelinas


September 5 2011, 4:18 PM 


That is a great idea!

If you build it with multiple links, everyone stands to benefit from the SEO. And if you feature your business prominently on the site you should also see a nice flow of traffic too. And if the site is content rich, all the better - that's what Google is looking for. This sounds like a win for everyone who shares in the project.

Rick Gelinas



Bob Cairns


September 5 2011, 6:36 PM 

Yep - that was my idea and since I had the domain I figured why not. AND you could buy a big old banner ad on it!!!
Anyway - if everybody gets on the ball with this I will fire up the directory page shortly. It is on page one for the main keyword - not heavily searched but what is deemed a "buying keyword". I know several internet dudes that do this and sell leads off the site with other industries but I am not going that way with it.
I have been a little busy after the hurricane (5 days no power and now doing some rip outs) but will throw some more content on it soon as well as change the header graphic. Might throw some adsense ads on it to help monetize a little.

Bob Cairns


September 19 2011, 9:38 AM 

Only two so far? Send me your info so I can get a good list of providers!

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