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Office Panels

September 7 2011 at 1:49 PM
Steve Borcherdt  

I am in line to get a job cleaning lots of office panels. I would like to know the best, most efficient and effective way, to do this. Pricing advice would also be appreciated. Job is not until October. Thanks in advance.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Office Panels

September 7 2011, 5:44 PM 

Carpeted and fabric covered wall partitions can be cleaned using the bonnet method with Releasit.

1. Get a window washing strip washer
2. Get an extension pole if you'll be doing tall walls
3. Mix up a bucket of Releasit Encap-Clean DS2

Dunk & wring out the strip washer in the bucket of Releasit. Mop the walls with the strip washer. Dunk & wring the strip washer frequently. Replace the water as it gets soiled.

Here's what an UNGER brand strip washer looks like. They're available from any good janitor supply house...

[linked image]

I have used this method to successfully clean office partitions as well as tall sliding fabric walls that separate banquet rooms. This process worked very well for me and it was easy to do.

Rick Gelinas




Re: Office Panels

September 7 2011, 9:34 PM 

I just cleaned 97 panels a few weeks ago and prior to that we did over 400 of them. They ranged from different sizes but to clean both sides of every panel we charge $8 per panel. Not sure how that compares around the country but that was a great job for us. I used small bonnett pads that fit on the drill pad driver and some of them i would just spray the panels and use towel which worked just as good.

John Rogers

Re: Office Panels

September 8 2011, 8:19 AM 

Rick do you have to go back and vacuum or just leave as is?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Office Panels

September 9 2011, 12:25 AM 

Just leave it as it is.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - Office Panels
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS