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question about encap punch for hwe

September 19 2011 at 1:38 PM

I just used Punch as a prespray and as a HWE rinse for a rental house. It worked very well and I believe that it has anti-wicking and anti browning properties, correct? I used 1 oz per gallon in the rinse and a 2 parts Punch/3 parts water in the Hydroforce sprayer set at 1:8.

I like the results and will continue to use this combo when I hwe berber. But it seems a little pricey for other hwe where I'm not worried about the likelihood of wicking. If any of you use Punch for HWE prespray and rinse, are you using the same ratios I listed above?

By the way, I did a large hospital offices job recently Cimexing with Releasit DS and cutting in with a portable and Punch rinse. Also, last weekend I had an office building that insisted on everything being rinsed. I rinsed with Punch then followed immediately with Cimex and DS. I was very happy with the reasults on both jobs. More importantly, the customers are calling me back for more. I like getting the calls about how nice everything looks and smells. I'm sold on Excellent-supply products.

This message has been edited by KennyWright on Sep 19, 2011 1:39 PM



Encap for HWE / Kenny

September 19 2011, 5:44 PM 

I use encap D/S or D/S2 to clean Berber carpet with my 175 & white pad.
Comes out good everytime. Keep moisture to a minimum on berber. You can just use your cimex on berber.

If you think Punch is pricey for HWE then try encap-Basic which is only like $65 for a box of 4 gals. I don't find it to foam very much. Cleaning power is still there. You might be using too much Punch for cleaning. How about getting a 175 with solution tank and lay down your punch. Then just extract with clean hot water (recoil) happy.gif No need for extra chemical running thru your HWE equip. It's not going to wick back. All I ever use is Rick's encap and never any problems of wicking.

On the other board when you mention Frieze carpet, that stuff needs to be scrubbed & raked then HWE. Why do people buy crap carpet? Because they are CHEAP!!!

Current Topic - question about encap punch for hwe
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS