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oil /grease spots

September 19 2011 at 2:43 PM
Milt J 

Would there be any en-cap chemical that would remove grease/oil from carpet during the cleaning process? Can I use any chemical to remove the oil/grease along with encap cleaning chemicals?

Denise U

oil/grease spots

September 20 2011, 8:27 PM 

I really need the answer to that question too(by Thurs.) So can someone please help us out with that? My upcoming job is a school bus depot/office in which the drivers and mechanics come into the office with grease and oil on their shoes.

Al Taylor

Re: oil /grease spots

September 20 2011, 10:13 PM 

I don't recommend using any other chemical with Release-it's cleaning agents. However I have used the encap-Punch (NATURAL SOLVENT) at 10oz /1gal. as a pre spray. I spay generous portion let dwell long as possible not letting it dry. Then spray more and agitate FP MAX PADS. Depending on the oil load I might extract with bonnet then come back with Encap DS 60Z/GAL. Punch is Great on grease. Depending on the size of the spots i sometimes squirt encap spot on it let dwell agitate then clean.

Al Taylor

One who is willing to be taught only by himself, has a fool for a master.

This message has been edited by myalexis on Sep 20, 2011 10:14 PM


Re: oil /grease spots

September 21 2011, 5:02 PM 

If it is bad, you should try to water extract it after scrubbing it...punch on the oil scrubed in, extracted w punch in the tank...dried and followed up by DS and aggitation.

If you mix an encap detergent heavy, you can use a degreaser on smaller areas, like goo-gone scrubed in, followed by 50/50 DS scrubbed in...the encap should be able to handle a bit of residue from the other cleaner, but i wouldnt do this on a large area.


Kevin Pearson

Re: oil /grease spots

September 21 2011, 5:57 PM 

We clean a transmission repair office where the technicians walk in and out all day. So the office is full of transmission fluid, gum, and who knows what else. What we usually do is give it a quick scrub with the Cimex/Releasit combo, then extract with our Butler van, then we go back and use the Cimex/ Releasit combo again. The last time with the Cimex/ Releasit combo will really clean it up great. Just make sure to charge for all those extra steps.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: oil /grease spots

September 22 2011, 9:45 AM 

Encap-Clean DS LOVES oil.

You can also pre-spray with Encap-Punch to add some extra oil dissolving properties prior to scrubbing.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - oil /grease spots
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS