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September 25 2011 at 9:42 AM
David Hebert  

Has any one else who has been running an Orbot for a while had problems with the bolt comming off the motor that drives the pad drive.

We just snapped the third one this year off on a large job yesterday, so glad i always been back up machines with me.

I was told to put head down when storing in the van, I am thinking this maybe the issue, hoping to get some feed back as we need to get a new machine in the near future and now leaning to getting another 320 speed buffer and put a spray system on it, 0 problems in 16 years with the buffer.


Joe Gilstrap

Re: Orbot

September 25 2011, 12:22 PM 

That's a real mystery David. I have had my Orbot for 3 years and have always stored it with the pad driver down. I even run extra weight on the head when cleaning.

Sounds like someone may be doing something to it that is aggressive and wrong.

David Hebert

Re: Orbot

September 25 2011, 1:13 PM 

Thanks for the reply I ran it for a few years no problem now snap snap snap.

wonder if it could be the pad drive could be warped causing this, my son notices it looks a little warped. My self and my son main users of it so I do not think is is abuse. Only other thing I can think of is we have replaces the bolts that go through the wheels as they got bent over time.



Re: Orbot

September 26 2011, 10:01 AM 

I snapped one on our three year old Orbot. We don't use them any where near as much as our Cimex's so I'm not sure why it broke???

I'll have to try the head down thing, because we do usually store them with the head up no pressure on the pad driver

This message has been edited by RCTPKS on Sep 26, 2011 3:31 PM
This message has been edited by RCTPKS on Sep 26, 2011 3:27 PM

Jay White

Re: Orbot

September 26 2011, 3:05 PM 

I have had the Same problems. I'm still running the Ventos with the Orbot style counterbalance and pad driver and have snapped several bolts on both machines. Nothing like cleaning along in someones house and the snapping, crunching sound occurs and the driver comes out from the machine!!! I am an owner/operator so no excessive use on the machines. I carry one with the driver down and the other machine laying down. I wasn't going to respond, since I haven't broken one in six months. I probably just jinxed myself.



Re: Orbot

September 29 2011, 10:28 AM 

i keep my driver on the floor all the time in the van. hopefully that will help me. i dont use my Orbot but 2-3 times a year, so i haven't had anything break yet. good to know tho! can someone post a link to where we can pickup this bolt to have some spares on hand?


Re: Orbot

September 30 2011, 6:55 PM 

If I understand the issue right, then why would storing the head of the machine in the down position be good at all? sounds like that would make the problem worse with the extra weight & van bouncing around?

We have had to replace our counterbalance bearings that are behindthe pad driver and before the bolt that drives from the motor. After time it would vibrate badly..have you had that issue and maybe that is what is snapping the bolt?

Do you also change out the velcro pads often? Too much junk that gets in there can cause it to oscillate of balance,not holding the pad on e evenly causing extra friction, that is why our bearings would fail apparently.

Just a thought!


Re: Orbot

October 4 2011, 1:19 AM 

Thanks for the replies

We do not use cotton pads so the Velcro drivers do not clog up much also use a metal toothed comb to clean then when the get junk in them.

two thoughts are the collar that covers the bolt maybe hitting the bolt and over time weakening it or we could have a warped pad driver it self. I'll order a new pad driver and not run the Orbot until we get it. Thankfully most of the this month is wood and stone floors.

Current Topic - Orbot
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