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Newbie on Orbot

September 30 2011 at 11:26 PM

This coming week my new Orbot Sprayborg arrives.

(I'm more excited than a dog giving birth to a litter of pups with Marty watching.)

So I'm asking for any help, tips, etc; on juice to use, pads, bonnets, etc;

Also on what different carpet types would you use pads or bonnets.?

Do you use on both residential and commercial. ??

Worried and in a quandary in Cairns.


PS::: Here's the S.T. thing. wink.gif

Do users prefer the spraying system, or prefer a dedicated battery operated sprayer.??

Joe M


October 1 2011, 9:30 AM 

Great and who the hell is Marty? LOL


Re: Great

October 2 2011, 6:46 PM 

I believe he is refering to Marty Sutley aka Pig Chip or Pork Chop or any other swine related word

Lee in Minnesota

Re: Newbie on Orbot

October 1 2011, 11:36 AM 

Dont worry Shorty. If you know how to run a cimex the orbot will be easy. I really love mine. It has been a great money maker for me. The sprayborg takes a little time to learn but it really makes the work fly! I use a blue microfiber bonnet along with Ricks pads and get great results! Enjoy!


Re: Newbie on Orbot

October 4 2011, 1:15 PM 

nice Shorty, new toys are always fun.

for resi i wont use my Sprayborg. to do the best job, any cleaning solution needs dwell time. battery powered sprayer with a 13 minute dwell time for me on resi.

commercial, i use the Sprayborg with Encap sol happy.gif



October 4 2011, 1:13 PM 

I have had my orbot about a year. Tried different pads and found the superzorbs from Hos worked the best for me and held up well too. For scrubbing I use Fiber-plus from Rick, in fact those are the only two I use now on the orbot and I 've tried others but they did not hold up well. The microfiber was so-so for me. Maybe it was the brand. On most jobs I use a separate sprayer and then use the sprayborg sprayer where I need extra as I work along. There is a learning curve but you are used to low moisture cleaning so you will likely pick it up quick. I use my orbot every day for prescrub, postdrying on hot water extraction and sometimes stand alone cleaing. Let us know how it goes.
Thanks, Jim



October 6 2011, 7:23 AM 

So, the beast has arrived.

I checked it out and found a few things I'm not really happy with.

Here's the problems, and what I intend to do to adjust them to my stature, (body size).

The solution bottle is very tight to fit into the cradle.

I intend to grind the metal back on the top lip to allow the bottle to slide in and out freely.

When I tilt the handle back to suit my height, the solution bottle filler cap has a tendency to leak solution.

I am going to dismantle the entire solution cradle including the pressure pump and bend the cradle frame so that the solution bottle sits more upright in the cradle.

This will allow me to lower the handles down, with less chance of solution spillage.

I also need to adjust the jets, a minor job to get them spraying where I am comfortable with.

This is my first impression of the Sprayborg, I may find other "tweaks" that will suit my individuality, if I do, I shall also post them here.

I also welcome comments in regard to the above, only by listening to others can I learn more, or see my mistakes.

What do y'all reckon about that. ??



Re: Okayyyyyy

November 8 2011, 8:51 AM 

The bottles are supposed to be a tight fit. Its easy if you start them from a bottom corner first instead of trying to put them in straight.

The only gripe I have is with the jets, they are easy to bump on furniture at times and need realignment. I traded my brass for stainless steel as well, much better.

I've tried every encap on the market and Releasit is by far the best. Like others have mentioned, I use a battery sprayer on residential but the Sprayborg on commercial.

Current Topic - Newbie on Orbot
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS