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Orbot plus what for a novice

October 11 2011 at 9:13 AM

Setting my boy up in the carpet cleaning business.He's great but I want to make sure he gets the right kit.Have decided to go with the Orbot - all the feedback sounds real solid. What other equipment would you recommend I source in the beginning


Market ??

October 13 2011, 5:44 AM 

What market segment are you after ?? residential or commercial. ??

Do you intend cleaning upholstery.??

What experience does he, or you, have in:

Carpet identification.

Training in carpet &/or upholstery cleaning.

Training in spot & stain removal.


Business management.


Why do you want him to get into this business.??

Does he really have a passion to be a carpet cleaner.??

Many young people shun the "I'm a carpet cleaner" image and soon lose interest.

There are many other questions that could be asked, but this is a starting list to ensure he is prepared for a an adventure where if he succeeds he will reap great rewards.

But if he fails, you and him, will be the monetary losers.

Look forward to your answers.


PS::: I'm still learning, 40 years in the game last month and I still love what I can still do.

Current Topic - Orbot plus what for a novice
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