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Hello from a newbie

November 5 2011 at 12:35 PM

Hi everyone, my name is Neil and I'm in the process of starting a commercial carpet cleaning business. I want to thank everyone who has posted on this forum. You have answered most of my newbie questions. I currently moonlight as a helper for my friends residential carpet cleaning biz and have been a small business owner for 12 years. Question: if you could go back in time to when you first started your business what would you do differently and why? I know I will make mistakes as I start but I'd like to avoid as many as possible.




Rick Gelinas

Re: Hello from a newbie

November 5 2011, 5:33 PM 

Don't quit your present job to start with. Set aside a day per week and work aggressively to solicit your business. Learn to speak to people. Read a book or three on the subject of selling. Get your head into the game.

You might start with this motivating book on selling The Little Red Book of Selling by Jeffrey Gitomer. It's certainly not the best book on the subject IMHO, but it is motivating enough to help to get you started - and that'll be your first challenge.

[linked image]

The main thing is to set some serious goals and then don't back down. Get out there and hustle. My experience is that selling commercial work happens toe to toe, in the trenches. So you will need to get out your own front door and get some face time with the decision makers. Bring along a nice looking flyer, some business cards, dress sharp, do a free demo, and be ready to SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS. Position yourself as the commercial expert!

If you will do that diligently, in a matter of no time you can develop a nice route of commercial clients. And then you'll be able to quit your daytime job.

Wishing you success!

Rick Gelinas




Re: Hello from a newbie

November 5 2011, 6:12 PM 

Thanks for the advice Rick. I picked up that book today and got a few others you recommended. I'll b cleaning a 4000 sqft house today using your ds, punch, and spotter. Camera in hand.



Rick Gelinas

Go for it!

November 5 2011, 6:48 PM 

[linked image]

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 5, 2011 6:52 PM

Current Topic - Hello from a newbie
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS