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November 15 2011 at 5:35 PM

I have a job coming up where a fireplace insert was removed and now there is a lot of soot on the light-colored carpet. Its either berber or low pile. I have Hydrox, DS, and Punch to use with a Cimex and/or hwe. What is the best approach to clean the soot from the carpet? Thanks.


Kevin Pearson

First Things First!!!

November 15 2011, 5:53 PM 

You will need to vacuum, vacuum, and vacuum. Then when you think you have vacuumed enough you will need to vacuum some more. Then anyone of the things you mentioned should clean it.

Kevin Pearson

Don Eldred

Re: First Things First!!!

November 16 2011, 8:14 AM 

Same as Kevin said.



November 16 2011, 8:58 AM 

Thank you.


Carpet looks great!

November 16 2011, 2:49 PM 

I did the good, slow vacuum. I also called and got input from the lady answering the phone at Excellent Supply who was very helpful and gave me good advice about using Releasit DS mixed 50/50. After hanging up the phone, I realized that I hadnt brought the DS. Instead, I presprayed hot Encap Punch and also hwe rinsed with Encap Punch mixed according to directions. I agitated with a grandi groomer because I was afraid the Cimex would smear the soot. Two or three wand rinse strokes took care of all of the light and medium soot spots. I rubbed a bar of Fels Naptha lightly over the heavily soiled soot marks and the hot Punch rinse took them right out. The Punch and Fels Naptha also worked great on the stairs where the soot had been tracked in really bad.

Thanks to all for the advice.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Carpet looks great!

November 16 2011, 4:20 PM 


Thanks for the update. Glad it worked out well for you. By chance did you take any before and after photos you could post? It would be interesting to see. Great job.

Kevin Pearson


Re: Carpet looks great!

November 17 2011, 7:20 AM 

I took some with my phone but, unfortunately, they did not turn out well enough to post. I guess I need a new camera or video.

Current Topic - Soot
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS