Steamin Demon on Rugs?December 3 2011 at 3:45 PM |
Jay White
| Do any of you use a steamin demon on rugs?
Do use it to flush/rinse after the wash pit?
How well does it extract a rug after being washed in a wash pit?
How does it compare to using a water claw and a portable to extract?
Thanks in advance,
Author | Reply |

Kevin Pearson
| Re: Steamin Demon on Rugs? | December 4 2011, 8:17 AM |
I don't use the steamin demon in my rug plant so not sure I can answer all your questions. However, it would be a lot less expensive to just construct a simple tower above your wash pit and hang the rugs after washing and let gravity and fans do the drying.
We do use a water claw on rugs when we are going to dry it flat though.
Here's mine.
![[linked image]](http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r215/prodrying/IMAG0108.jpg)
Kevin Pearson
PS Thanks Rick I originally had the wrong picture.
This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Dec 4, 2011 6:42 PM This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Dec 4, 2011 6:39 PM
Jay White
| Re: Steamin Demon on Rugs? | December 5 2011, 6:19 PM |
Thanks for the response and pic. Yes, I do have a dry tower over my wash pit. I am not a fan of hanging soaking wet rugs. It just makes more sense to me to extract as much water as possible prior to hanging.

Kevin Pearson
| Re: Steamin Demon on Rugs? | December 5 2011, 10:07 PM |
I didn't know you had a pit and tower. So short of buying an expensive rug wringer a water claw, dri-eaz rover, or truck mount would work to extract with. Since I don't own a steamin demon then I don't know how well it would work but it shouldn't hurt anything to try it and see how well it does. The water claw does an ok job on wool rugs but it is slow. The rover would do an ok job to, just don't ever use it on a water damage job. Another good option would be a wand and TM. We have also tried our Hydro-x and vac-pac on rugs before but with no pad under them the hydro-x doesn't work well.
Outside of those options you would have to spend $40,000 on a wringer and then you could have a rug dry in an hour or two. I wish I knew something else, because it could help me too. Let me know if you stumble across something.
Thanks. |
Al Taylor
| Re: Steamin Demon on Rugs? | December 6 2011, 11:52 AM |
A stemon demon has great recovery. Steamon demon has 94% recovery of what it puts down. Especially with the a glide. I like the Demon its very nice tool. Ive use it for small flood jobs too.
Al Taylor
Better is the end afterward of a matter than its beginning. |
Phillip Newell
| Glide | December 6 2011, 12:54 PM |
Hey Al
I've been wondering about a glide for the Demon. So you don't think it restricts airflow too much? You're getting good dry times with the glide?
Phillip Newell
Clean Image Carpet Care
www.cleanimagecarpetcare.com |
Al Taylor
| Re: Glide | December 6 2011, 11:20 PM |
I feel that it does not restrict the air flow too much, but just enough to increasing the lift. Sorta like the Claw. I'd say if you get demon get glide.
Al Taylor
Better is the end afterward of a matter than its beginning. |
Phillip Newell
| Re: Steamin Demon on Rugs? | December 6 2011, 11:04 AM |
Hey Jay
I'm by no means a rug washing expert like Kevin is, but I'll throw in my 2 cents. They're worth every penny.
I just started building a rug plant myself. I have a Pacific Steamex Tsunami, which is the same as a Demon. I've been using it with rugs so far with great success.
My process is to flood the rug, shampoo it with LST and a rotary machine, then follow up with a rinse with the Demon, front and back. I think it does a great, great job. The benefit of the demon is the high flow and the clear window, which allows you to see when the water is running clear. The demon does a great job with water recovery too, my rugs are usually dry the next day with an Airpath.
I think this is going to be my rug washing process, and save the pit just to soak urine contaminated rugs.
Phillip Newell
Clean Image Carpet Care
www.cleanimagecarpetcare.com |
| Tsunami | December 6 2011, 5:51 PM |
Phillip Newell
| Re: Tsunami | December 6 2011, 6:04 PM |
That was a steal for whoever bought that.
It's a shame they don't make the Tsunami anymore. The stainless steel construction alone made this unit worth the extra cost. I also love the positioning of the flow button switch on the Tsunami.
But, the demon is a tad bit lighter and has the advantage of the bottom carry handle.
Both great machines.
Phillip Newell
Clean Image Carpet Care
www.cleanimagecarpetcare.com |
Jay White
| Re: Steamin Demon on Rugs? | December 7 2011, 6:47 AM |
Thanks for responses.
Kevin, I sold my truckmount years ago, now strictly low moisture except rug washing. Have you tried or do you think it would make a difference if one was to place a pad under the rug and use the Hydro-X with vac-pac? Not ready to spend 40k yet. I will let you know if I find something interesting.
Al, I know I read somewhere someone using a demon on small water losses. I'm glad you said it works for you. Would you say it extracts as much as a water claw with portable?
Phillip, I was thinking the same process, flood, scrub, rinse with demon front and back and extract with demon. I'm thinking rinsing with demon would be more efficient than my current way of hose and squeegee. Can you add weights to the machine for a better extraction?
Jay White
Coastal Cleaning Solutions, Inc
Maine |
 Joe DeSouza
| It's GREAT! | December 9 2011, 9:53 PM |
In fact, thats ALL I do with my steamin demon...I originally bought it for commercial carpets, but with the amount of sand here in florida, it clogs too easy...
I cleaned 2 urine soaked rugs a couple of weeks ago...what I do is:
1)Soak the rugs in 50/50 water/acetic acid (white vinegar)a few hours
2)hose them down until the water runs clean (10 minutes +)then with a carpet brush -held upside down-squeegie it thoroughly, and rinse again if you still see urine
3)work in your favorite wool prespray (I use chemspec oriental rug shampoo)
4)THEN I extract using the demon, both sides, usually I have to go over it a couple of times, look at the discharge and see if its running clear
5)dry using my Drieaz Jet Cvx's
these rugs came out like no other before - no urine smell at all!! The customer was very happy! The demon is an incredible flushing machine!! I dont exract rugs with my truckmount anymore as the demon does a way better job...
David Hebert
| Re: It's GREAT! | December 11 2011, 8:21 AM |
been extracting rugs with Demon since the Demon like had the sheet metal covering.
Yes you can add weight but it will not help unless you modify the vac shoe to enable a grid to be in the shoe to keep air flow. We have a small wash floor an a pit. Hardly ever hand rugs until they are almost dry, with a bout 500 sq ft to lay them flat I feel it is better for the rugs |
Jay WHite
| Re: It's GREAT! | December 12 2011, 4:48 PM |
Joe, Thanks for the response. That is exactly what I needed to know. I was hoping it would flush/rinse rugs faster then a squeegee and hose. I was hoping that I could use the demon to extract rugs as well, im glad it works for you.
David, Thanks for insight on the mod needed to use weights. I might need to pick your brain a little more on it. I would prefer to lay all my rugs flat, but space does not allow that.
Ok guys, which one should I order and should I get a glide to go with it?
Thanks for all the help,
Jay |
Current Topic - Steamin Demon on Rugs? |