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Waitin on Cimex, need a vacuum

December 5 2011 at 4:37 PM

What kind of vacuum do you all use. I ordered a Cimex, should be here soon. Have been using Hoovers for all the residential (challengerop)we have been doing. Any suggestions on vacuum for commercial, or residential also?

This message has been edited by johnblaz on Dec 5, 2011 4:38 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Waitin on Cimex, need a vacuum

December 5 2011, 5:36 PM 

Hi Brandon,

Thanks for your patience. We've been backlogged on Cimex machines lately. We're having trouble getting them built as fast as they're being sold. But Cimex gives us priority. So your machine will be arriving absolutely as soon as it can get there!

Now as for your question about vacuums... there are several options. The mac-daddy of commercial vacuums is the Lindhaus. It's a supreme vac with dual vac motors, and a brush roller that spins twice as fast as any vac on the market. And it has excellent filtration. Windsor is a similar commercial vac, but lacks the high speed brush speed.

On the basic end of the spectrum - it's hard to beat the Koblenz commercial vacs. Serious rugged units. They have a beater-bar brush roller that really pounds the carpet. They are work-horses made with metal construction - where others are mostly plastic. The Koblenz machines are simillar to the Sanitaire commercial vacs - with several refinements thrown in. And they're priced right too. It's kind of a vac that you just can't go wrong with (all except for one negative - they don't have filtration like the Lindhaus or the Windsors).

And then there's the X-Vac pile lifter. The X-Vac brings deep pile lifting to the highest level - or should I say - lowest level. This is a true pre-wet-cleaning dry soil extraction machine!

So there's a few excellent vacuums to consider for dry soil removal. Like the Cimex, we only sell stuff that works well for commercial carpet care. Here's a link if you want to check 'em out...

Let me know if I can help you in any way!

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - Waitin on Cimex, need a vacuum
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