| Fiber Plus PadsDecember 6 2011 at 7:24 AM |
Mike Habib
| Can you use Fiber plus pads on plush pile carpet ? I use a 300 rpm machine for encap and am trying to see if this can be done without damage to the carpet ?
| Author | Reply |
Phillip Newell
| Re: Fiber Plus Pads | December 6 2011, 11:05 AM |
Yes you can. I do this sometimes in trashed rentals before following up with pads.
For most residential though, I'd suggest a shampoo brush instead. Less chance of problems and really digs down deep into the fibers.
Phillip Newell
Clean Image Carpet Care
www.cleanimagecarpetcare.com |
| Mike Habib
| Trinity | December 6 2011, 10:15 PM |
I have to tell you, since my last post I have done a quite a bit of research and am sold on the Trinity. I have read several different carpet cleaning fourms and the one thing that I keep seeing is how much better the machines from CCS are than the machines that are avaliable. First , I am now sold on OP cleaning vs a rotary buffer, even with a brush for deep down scrubbing. Over the weekend I cleaned a really nasty carpet. The carpet had stains and spots all over it. I used a 300 RPM buffer with a brush and went over it several times and still had the same results, then I pulled out an Oreck buufer that I use for stairs and was shocked at how well it did on the carpet, problem is , it is way to small but will work in a crunch. I almost purchased a Orbot however, I keep hearing about problems with the machine and how it keeps breaking down ( I know many of you own it but I am just telling you what I have been reading). The Trinity has 3 speeds vs one speed and that helps in two ways, one production time and two , it will clean a lot better. The head of the machine weighs more so you will get better agitation and the damn thing looks like it is built like a tank. I am the kind of buyer that really does a lot of research before I purchase anything and really would like a lot of honest imput. I am also new to the Encap way of cleaning and any advice you can share on the different kinds of pads would be very helpful. Thanks , Mike |
| Joe Gilstrap
| Re: Trinity | December 6 2011, 11:34 PM |
Sounds like your mind is made up Mike. Good luck with your purchase.
By the way, my Orbot is 3 years old, has cleaned many many thousands of sq. ft. of carpet and tile and has never broke down once. |
| Re: Trinity | December 7 2011, 6:28 AM |
What I gather is there are two types of Orbots: those that work and those that have issues. There seem to be a significant portion in the later category and I've noticed the maker (the distributors are a different story) doesn't seem to be to interested in fixing them quickly so you end up depending on your distributor to get parts.
I have had good service, dependability, and support from CCS (and Rick). Buy what you want, the main difference is how long it takes to ge a given result. More faster agitation gets there quicker. |
| Nick Palumbo
| Re: Trinity | December 7 2011, 6:51 AM |
Well guys I have to say, I have my orbot for a couple of years and the only problem I had was the spray borg clogging and a broken wire. Ricks tech fixed it with minutes and I was on my way. Great service for me! Sure the trinity is nice and so is the price and if IMO if you don't have large jobs or even the clients do you really need a machine like that?
I wish I owned one but I don't have large jobs and I do this part time so I'm staying with my orbot. I just wish I had the grout brush and weights for it. |
Mike Habib
| Trinity | December 7 2011, 7:11 AM |
I want to thank you for your imput. I am still a ways out before I purchase one and will try both of them first before I make up my mind. Like I said, I like to do my research. Right now I am using a 300 RPM buffer, and for the most part I get good results. I have been using Xerion Solutions Encap product and for the most part it works well. What I am having problems with is grease or in some of my clean outs , that black /grey area that never seems to come clean. We use a bonnet pad to pick up the dirt. In a lot of cases, I have to pull out a Rotovac 360 and blast it. Any advise ? |
| Re: Trinity | December 7 2011, 9:36 AM |
The trinity will get you there fastest, but, any OP will dig deeper than your rotary.
Have you considered changing your chem? Or at least something for the cleanout areas?? I'd almost bet my T&G brush on my Conq Breeze would get out the crud. It might take something else with it, but, the greasy crud would be gone. Strong alk cleaner and a few pads would probably get it out. |
Rick Gelinas
| Re: Trinity | December 7 2011, 2:53 PM |
"What I gather is there are two types of Orbots: those that work and those that have issues. There seem to be a significant portion in the later category."
George, this has not been our experience. We've sold a bunch of Orbot machines, and by and large they're doing great. As with any machine, there can be some problems at times. But looking at the big picture, these machines don't seem to be less dependable than other machines on the market.
As with any purchase from Excellent Supply, we stand behind our customers and do whatever it takes to resolve problems in a reasonable manner. There are a lot of Orbot machines out there, and the track record has shown that the machines are doing a good job for people, they're holding up well (with occasional issues), and they're making people a lot of money. At the end of the day, I think that's what it's all about - isn't it?
Regarding your comparison to CCS machines, they're fine machines too. I personally favor the Orbot machine over the CCS machine, for many reasons. Reasons that extend beyond the fact that we sell Orbots. But I won't go into that here. I'll just say, if you like the CCS machine and it's a good fit for you then that's the right choice. As the saying goes, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
Rick Gelinas

| Re: Trinity | December 7 2011, 4:23 PM |
I'm not intending to bash the Orbot. The people I know have some issues. The distributors seem to do a great job.
If you weren't so far away I'd buy more stuff from you. Your customer service is second to none and your techs take care of issues for the clients. THAT is how it should be. The CCS is just a good fit for me. I like tanks. Worst case I can be on John's doorstep in 3 hrs, 2.5 hrs if I'm in a hurry.
Making money is the point of this whole thing. I started with a 175. I'll continue to use a 175. I'll keep making money with my CCS. I could make money with an Orbot. If I worried more about residential than commercial I might prefer the Orbot's slick look.
I'd like one of your scrub3 things, but, I understand people can't follow directions so it had to go. Great idea way beyond so many people. |
| Mike Habib
| Trinity | December 7 2011, 9:37 PM |
Gentleman, I wanted to thank the both of you for your imput , and when the time comes I will take everything that I have learned to make the purchase that is right for me. Rick, I will be placing an order with you soon to try your products. |
| David Hebert
| Re: Trinity | December 9 2011, 7:35 PM |
If you are using a brush with a 300 speed rotary, you you are wasting chemical time and maybe damaging carpet.
Try using a fiber plus pad and you will see a difference.
We have run 300 speed rotary machines for years now, pads are the way to go, with Ricks chemicals we see little difference in the results of using the Orbot or the rotary. Orbot is way better on the operator rotary has faster production times faster. Orbot looks better, easier to operate in a residential setting, clients impressed by the Orbot.
Rotary less expensive to own over life of the machine.
Bottom line each type of machine one owns has pros and cons each has its place in the cleaners arsenal.
If the Orbot had a vac port Id try it out on some of the wood floors we do just to see how it work.
| Mike Habib
| Fiber Plus Pad | December 14 2011, 7:31 AM |
David, are you saying that I can use a Fiber Plus pad on plush carpet with a 300 rpm machine ? I would be very concerned that it would cause the carpet tips to bloom . I am eventually going to purchase an Orbital but for now we will continue using a 300 Rotary.
| David
| Re: Fiber Plus Pad | December 15 2011, 6:32 AM |
For commercial . Residential we use Tuway thin pads or micro fiber when using a rotary. On residential work i prefer to use a cylindrical brush machine |
| Mike Habib
| Fiber Plus Pad | December 15 2011, 8:43 AM |
David, do you also own a Orbital mnachine ? I am trying to see if a orbital machine is really that much better than a swing machine at 300 rpms ? They look like they do agitate the carpet better however, like you, I use a brush to deep scrub. Do you then go back over it with a pad or do you use the brush that allows you to attach a bonnet pad in the middle ? Thanks for all of your imput, it helps ! |
| David Hebert
| Sory for the delay | December 23 2011, 8:41 PM |
sorry we have been straight out trying to finish off projects before the end of the year.
Yes I own an OP machine also. As far as what is better, they each have there own place. Doing residential work OP is my choice along with a Cylindrical brush machine before extracting.
On commercial it depends on what lay out is. OP (I own Orbot) is way easier on the operator. Time wise My 320 speed rotary will crank out my SQ FT per hour then OP, but the the cost of a more tired operator an sore in my case.
WE like having a choice of what is available.
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