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December 9 2011 at 12:38 PM


Just got my first box of Encap-Punch tuesday thanks to the photo contest also whiich I won a couple of months ago. Yes I did spend some of my money on some odorcide Frsh Scent which is great. I used the punch this morning on pet stained-odor carpet and of course it came out great. I always use my 175 on every carpet no matter what. That's just me. The carpet must be as Perfect as possible. Then I HWE the carpet. I gave the lady a review form from Angie's List and good remarks, plus something new I am doing is taking a short video of testimonials from the customer to put on my marketing sites.


THANKS TO THE EXCELLENT-SUPPLY COMPANY for producing good cleaning
solutions. Punch gets an A+.

Rick: I use to live in NY but now just a short distance from you in Lakeland. We will visit your office someday. Can you get me a real FILTHY commercial carpet that I can use for a demo? Similar to the one you took to Connections? Thanks.


Rick Gelinas


December 10 2011, 2:53 AM 

Charles thank you for those nice comments! I'm glad to hear that you liked Encap-Punch. It is a really cool product. It has the CRI seal of approval. And it's really effective for using in the hot water extraction application. It's a great pre-spray, that can also be used as a hot water extraction rinse. Plus it's also good bonnet a cleaner. So a covers a lot of ground. But the best part is, that it is a true encapsulation detergent. There's no residue that can attract soil. So unlike traditional hot water extraction chemicals, there is no soil attracting residue left in the carpet.

I'm glad you liked it!

P.S. If you are ever in St Pete, stop by the store and say hi. Regarding a filthy carpet like what we have the connections, just go to a carpet store or Home Depot and get a sample of carpet. Then soak it down with soda. And then take it and drag it around the parking lot, and introduce various soil types. We go crazy loading them up with soil happy.gif

Here's a video showing you how we do it...

P.P.S. Have a great weekend!

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - ENCAP PUNCH
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