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Mobile enabled websites

December 12 2011 at 9:46 PM
Bob Cairns  

Shorty posted about QR codes and I answered but mentioned mobile enable websites. I always thought they weren't important to us cleaners but got to thinkin. People see our vehicles everywhere with our phone numbers on them but they have to grab a pen to write them down. Now if we are parked a quick scan of a QR code is great. We also have our websites on the vans - take a test - put your own URL in your smartphone and see how it looks. Probably have to scroll all over the place - zoom in out etc. Take a look at my mobile site - built to go mobile. Not quite done as I have to put a script on my regular site that will automatically re-direct mobile phone users to that site.
The world is going mobile for sure so a mobile version of a website is pretty key and usually cheap.
Here is a little more info:
Cool stuff!


Rick Gelinas

The newly redone site has this feature

December 15 2011, 10:49 AM 

I recently rebuilt the Releasit website from the ground up. The new site now has a feature that will the re-orient the sites display a little to make it more easily accessed on popular mobile platforms like the iPad and the iPhone. I think it's a good idea to consider covering mobile platforms when you're planning to develop a website.

Take a look at the new site and let me know what you think...

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 15, 2011 10:49 AM

Current Topic - Mobile enabled websites
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS