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Other Resources above

December 22 2011 at 9:29 PM

Hey Rick,
please explain.......... DO NOT PRESS??

I really didn't want to press you for this information, but I thought if the press gets hold of it, then you may be pressed into answering their pressurized questions in a de-pressed economy.


Stirrer down under.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Other Resources above

December 23 2011, 2:07 AM 

You didn't press that link did you Shorty?

Whatever you do, DO NOT PRESS that link.

Rick Gelinas




Holidays ??

December 23 2011, 3:22 PM 

Is everyone on holidays already??

So I pressed the button and nothing happened.

Why is no-one answering my post??

Is everyone on holidays already??


The lights are on, is anyone home??

Merry Christmas everyone and a joyful, safe, happy and very prosperous New Year to you, your families and friends.

It's Christmas Eve down under, so wherever you are, DON'T press the button. wink.gif


Shorty down under


Rick Gelinas


December 23 2011, 4:41 PM 

What? You pressed the link? It expressly said DO NOT PRESS!

And nothing happened?
Look closer happy.gif

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 23, 2011 4:42 PM

Al Taylor


December 23 2011, 7:05 PM 

What happened Shorty when you looked a little closer? Curiousity kills a cat! Rick knows that is torturing some of us.

Al Taylor

Better is the end afterward of a matter than its beginning.


Tempting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

December 24 2011, 12:50 AM 

Okay, I got back on again and I see there's a post in between mine.

Must be some skullduggery going on here.

Now I doesn't care what any of you'se sez.

Rick tells me, and the note is there, DO NOT PRESS.

So TEMPTING as it is, and how much you'se other guys WANT ME to press it.

I ain'ta gunna do it. happy.gif

So stop TEMPTING me and stop pressing my buttons, 'cos it ain'ta gunna happen. wink.gif

I bet yer all laughin' and soaking this up like a sponge, or a marshmallow I think you'se call them over there.




December 25 2011, 10:29 AM 

Merry Christmas and all the other variations.

Damn I'm just weak and spineless I had to press it.

Current Topic - Other Resources above
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS