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carpet cleaning tips

December 27 2011 at 7:27 AM


Carpet cleaning is something towards which not many people give attention. With the help of these tips, you will get to learn about the necessity and requirement for cleaning a carpet.

* Make sure to clean your carpets once in week; as it is necessary to clean your carpet in regular intervals to keep it clean, to get a new look and most importantly to get rid of various germs.

* Avoid using Scrubbers to clean your carpets as it can damage the quality and material of your carpet.

* To get best results after cleaning soak your carpet for few minutes before wash. Do Not soak carpet for too much time.

* Stains on carpet should be removed as earliest as possible. Stains affected area should be rinsed thoroughly. Use the detergents that are specially made for the stain marks.

* One of the best ways to clean your carpet is vacuum cleaning. But you must be careful while working with carpet fiber as there is risk of getting stuck in vacuum cleaner.

* If you dont have time to clean your carpet then take the help of carpet cleaning or a janitorial service company.

Source @


Rick Gelinas

Re: carpet cleaning tips

December 27 2011, 8:04 AM 

Wow, that was incredibly useful information. Does everyone agree this was enlightening stuff?

Most of us have probably been groping around blindly in the dark. But now! Now, we can take care of carpets properly.

Would it be OK to copy and paste some of that information onto our websites?

A few of my favorite quotes...

"Carpet cleaning is something towards which not many people give attention." "Avoid using Scrubbers to clean your carpets" "To get best results after cleaning soak your carpet for few minutes before wash." "Stains on carpet should be removed as earliest as possible."

And I really loved this one... "you must be careful while working with carpet fiber as there is risk of getting stuck in vacuum cleaner" ... I just hate it when I get stuck in the vacuum cleaner!

Well thanks again for opening our eyes wink.gif

Rick Gelinas



Joe M

One more useful tip

December 27 2011, 8:15 AM 

When cleaning a carpet make sure not to drink, you may spill your drink and then have another stain that you will need to clean.


Re: carpet cleaning tips

December 28 2011, 5:29 PM 

Great, this idiot has found this place too. Can you edit out his link to his janitorial service thereby eliminating his attempt at SEO?

Geoff Alger

Re: carpet cleaning tips

December 28 2011, 3:57 AM 

And always try to avoid vacuuming up your clients pets. This upsets them and often clogs up your vac.

(Sorry Rick G)



December 28 2011, 11:36 AM 

This will be my new training manual for all new techs. I can only hope it isn't copy rited.

Joe M

Look at it this way

December 28 2011, 6:20 PM 

With this guy giving the advise he is giving, I don't think we need to worry about him taking any customers away from us.

gaurav sharma

Carpet Cleaners techniques

January 10 2012, 7:52 AM 

i am agree with you and your carpet cleaning tips and thanks for sharing, i am also share some of tips-
you can also use solution like adding vinegar to the ammonia plus water will produce a great general carpet cleaning solution. Using once a month is ideal, but most of us don't want to spend that much time on carpet cleaning, it is a great solution for carpet cleaning and it is too easy for use.
Using backing soda is an also a cheap and environmentally safe for carpet cleaning. When you will use the baking soda so you can attach the hot water and scrubs with a stiff bristle brush for the bad stains and it can mix with the dust and stains and quickly remove it on the carpet. You can also make this solution at your home and it is so easy for use.

Carpet Cleaners Cheshire

Current Topic - carpet cleaning tips
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