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Commercial carpet cleaning pricing

December 27 2011 at 12:42 PM

With today's competition in the commercial carpet cleaning, it seems very hard to price a job fairly.
Our company had been serving central Florida market for 10 years and up until a year ago the pricing was pretty uniformed between all cleaning companies. In the past year we had been experiencing some challenges with new carpet cleaning companies who try to make a quick buck, and drop the price to a ridicules low.

It seems that now days customers compromise on quality of service and the bottom line is the doted line. It saddens me that quality carpet cleaning is no longer a determining factor and people who have no idea about Carpet cleaning set new price structures and destroy the industries reputation.

Commercial Carpet cleaning Orlando


Re: Commercial carpet cleaning pricing

December 27 2011, 2:29 PM 

nwcc, do you provide encapsulation cleaning?

your site is all about HWE from what i saw with a quick look at it.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Commercial carpet cleaning pricing

December 27 2011, 4:52 PM 

Maybe we could talk. Shoot me an email.

Rick Gelinas



gaurav sharma

Best carpet cleaning services

January 10 2012, 8:01 AM 

When you find a good and effordable company for carpet cleaning so please just forget the cost of services because if you want a good service so notice on the cleaning tips.
Today generation is so modern and also wants to make their house modernize, and no matter how much it cost in doing so. There are many way to make your sweet house so modern and beautiful but one of the great way to use carpet on your floor. Everybody wants to make their house neat, clean and dust free. A clean house is more relax able and comfortable for stay.
A best carpet cleaning services is that which makes your carpet long life and make free it pollen, dust mites allergens, fungus and bacteria so you and your baby protect to suffer from allergies and respiratory problem. Lots of man and women daily come in your house so cleaning services is necessary for you carpet.
Here are some general rules for carpet cleaning services
The best form of carpet cleaning is always prevention. Taking proper care will save you money in the long run.
Use vacuumed cleaning once in a week, it makes your carpet long life
Never use an iron or a hair dryer to dry a carpet stain.
Use steam cleaner for cleaning because it not based on steam, but use a cleaning solution with hot water to clean your carpet.
Pay special attention to the areas where people sit and move their feet.

Carpet Cleaners Cheshire

Current Topic - Commercial carpet cleaning pricing
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