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EZ Advertize

January 7 2012 at 12:29 PM
Michael Craig  

How many are placing their company name/logo on their equipment(Cimex)?
When doing commercial work, it's like pushing around a portable billboard. Top that off with the results your machine is mowing out will lead to more accounts. Also, how many have heard this from their accounts...."Why don't we just buy one of those machines ourselves"
[linked image]

Michael Craig


Great idea

January 7 2012, 2:24 PM 

You mean something like this ??

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Note I also have my "Big Wheels" on. wink.gif

Also at the rear, I have places for my favourite spotters, unfortunately, this pic does not show them happy.gif.

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

You can also tell the customer that knowing the correct product to use, and how to eliminate stains without causing a problem with the carpet is something to also consider apart from "just buying a machine".

Shorty down under

This message has been edited by Shortwunincairns on Jan 7, 2012 2:26 PM

Michael Craig

Re: Great idea

January 7 2012, 3:24 PM 

Looks like a can of Fosters will fit in there too. happy.gif
Awesome idea. Did you make it yourself?

Any one else have any tricked out Cimex machines?

Michael Craig

Al Taylor

Re: EZ Advertize

January 8 2012, 4:33 PM 

"Why don't we just buy one of those machines ourselves"

No Mike They never asked me that question. However, I noticed that as I cleaned the location, after first year client begin to get picky on me, after he watched me for a year on his cameras then all of a sudden boom! no renewal of contract. went back to visit and there it was. Oh well.

Al Taylor

Better is the end afterward of a matter than its beginning.


Re: EZ Advertize

January 9 2012, 12:24 AM 

The idea to make it out of aluminum was mine.

A sheet-metal worker friend made it in exchange for some carpet cleaning.

I had a sign writer make the vinyl sign for about AUS$30.00

The small container will hold a Yankee size beer (plus Kiwi beers and some Oz beers),in a rubber cooler.

The bigger one will hold an Aussie beer in a normal stubby cooler. happy.gif

FYI Yankee beers are (I think), 12ounces, Oz beers are 13&1/3ounces.

As a rule, in the smaller container I have Spot n Boost.

The bigger one holds my quart bottle of Punch.

I have ramps that are 4' long to load in the side door of my van.

Doing commercial work and parking in angle parking has it's drawbacks with a side loader.

Later this year, or early next year, I hope to have another van with a tailgate lift so that I can load easily through the rear door.

No more pushing uphill or worrying about tight spaces.

This way I can have two machines side by side, with pads and brushes stored on the walls.

I'm not getting any younger and still have a zest for this line of work, so the easier I make it for myself, the longer before I fall of my perch and go to that big bbq in the sky. wink.gif


Shorty down under

Current Topic - EZ Advertize
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