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Walkatex / Flotex

January 9 2012 at 2:16 AM

Who here cleans this product, and what type of machine/chemicals do you use.??


Shorty down under


Rick Gelinas

Re: Walkatex / Flotex

January 9 2012, 5:49 AM 

We don't get those brand names in the USA Shorty.

I believe Flotex is made from Kangaroo fur, and it's entirely impractical to export that to the States.

Rick Gelinas




'ave a squiz at this lot

January 9 2012, 7:06 AM 

Karndean is the supplier of Flotex in Australia.

Here's a link to their COMMERCIAL range of products.

This stuff is like me, very dense. wink.gif

1,000 fibers to the square inch, makes for a very compact flooring material.

It is being seen more often now in commercial situations as well as schools, doctors surgeries, old people homes, nursing homes, medical institutions, etc;

Because of it's structure, it has become a very practical floor covering down under.

I'm sure you blokes will have a similar product under a different name??

SDU happy.gif


Rick Gelinas

Re: 'ave a squiz at this lot

January 9 2012, 7:38 AM 

I've seen a lot of commercial carpet like that throughout Europe, and it's also in Australia and New Zealand. These commercial floor coverings are SUPER-FLAT with pile density so intense it's almost like a solid surface.

But in the USA, commercial carpet's are not the same. In the USA, commercial carpets are still tufted with much looser pile than the flat-dense carpets like you have there. It's very different. In fact the next time you're at Connections take a look at the stuff you're walking on and you'll see that it's altogether different.

The flat-dense stuff hasn't caught on in the US yet. Maybe it will. But my guess is that it won't. Dalton Georgia (headquarters for all the major mills) is a very old school kind of place, and nothing new rolls through there without a major paradigm shift. I can't foresee them moving in such a different manufacturing direction anytime soon.

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 9, 2012 7:40 AM


nothing new??

January 9 2012, 7:32 PM 

How can you say that? They still won't admit it is possible to clean carpet with a rotary/cimex/op without damaging it. That is still "new" technology. A more modern carpet shouldn't take more than 50-60 years.

Current Topic - Walkatex / Flotex
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