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Germ Free

January 9 2012 at 10:53 AM

I do work for a AC Home and on occasion they have a room that they want hwe because of body function accidents. They want the heat to kill the germs. Is there any way to encap or pad cap in this situation and sanitize the carpet in these rooms. I don't mind hwe but if they only have one to do it really is a money loser on that day.


David Hebert

Re: Germ Free

January 9 2012, 12:08 PM 

1. Charge more for the one room

2. I would bet hydrox might work, but I would hwe bodily fluids as they are hazardous waste




January 9 2012, 1:48 PM 

I would scrub the floor with Punch and Odorcide Fresh Scent.
Still HWE on urine and charge for what that room is worth like at least .40 sf.

Don Eldred

Re: Germ Free

January 9 2012, 4:32 PM 

In situations like this, I would think it is best to do what the client wants. Charge accordingly.


Joe DeSouza

Re: Germ Free

January 10 2012, 5:19 PM 

what is your minimum order? Mine is $98...SO, if they need only one room cleaned, its $98!! Think about it, by the time you unload the porty, fill with water, clean and then put it all away its probably 45 min to an hour of your time... so that normally should equate to $75-$100 if you go by the golden rule of $100 / hr....

Ive done these jobs here and time it was to remove a red stain about 2 feet long by 6" wide (I think it was red wine spilled)in an apartment...they (the property manager) gladly paid the 98 smackers, and they told me that I was the only guy that actually removed it! (My assumption is that others tried, failed, and didnt charge anything)

Dont give your work away....


Germ Free

January 10 2012, 5:46 PM 

Thanks guys, our min. is 120.00 I guess I fell back into that newbe thought process that says you can't charge that for one room. I need a wake up call every once in a while.

Current Topic - Germ Free
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