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Carpet square cleaning disaster

January 22 2012 at 9:52 PM

Thank you Rick for your immediate response to my situation. I still goofed up my first job using my Cimex. Seems I spreaded the dirt around plus I believe I overwet the carpet trying to make sure each stroke was even. Total disaster. Only alternative I have I believe is to extract. I have a phone call to make in the morning.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Carpet square cleaning disaster

January 23 2012, 9:32 AM 

Even application of the product is the key. A single wet pass followed by a dry pass or two is the recipe. More is not better when it comes to encapping a soiled carpet. Avoiding applying too much solution and applying the solution evenly is paramount.

Rick Gelinas




Kevin Pearson

Re: Carpet square cleaning disaster

January 23 2012, 6:11 PM 

Well Rick said a lot of what I would be looking for too. You may also find that you can go back in and hit just the "spots" again and it come out great. Make sure not to use a lot of solution. You should only have a slight white foam on the carpet. If you end up with piles of foam that is too much.

It could also be that you went to fast and didn't scrub enough. Alot of times when you get to a dirty spot or area you have to go over it with the solution on the first pass and then 2 or 3 dry passes. The extra scrubbing really helps these areas.

David Hebert

Re: Carpet square cleaning disaster

January 24 2012, 9:42 AM 

I am sure you will get the hang of the Cimex, most machines do have a leaning curve.Might I suggest while you are in the position you bring with you what ever you are used to just in case.

We always carry back up machines just in case, you never know when something will put a kink in your day



Cleaning Disaster

January 24 2012, 11:25 AM 

If a commercial carpet looks like it is loaded with
dirt then probably it would be a good idea to flush with clean hot water only. Get some fans on the front half and by the time you are done with HWE it will be ready to start at the front for encap.

Biggest mistake carpet guys make. ASK Questions: when was the last time this carpet was cleaned, how was it cleaned, maybe the owner / manager knows what type of spills, have you ever had this carpet cleaned before. Don't ever take a job and then wonder how am I going to to this job and what should I charge. As a professional it is your job to teach the client what is the best way to get this carpet clean and keep them happy.

ALWAYS QUALIFY A JOB,,,,ALWAYS PRE-TEST, PRE-TEST, PRE-TEST some of the worst spots on a carpet whether it is commercial or residential. No carpets should ever be cleaned without PRE-TESTING !!!!!!!!!!

Current Topic - Carpet square cleaning disaster
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