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CGD browning

January 25 2012 at 8:31 AM

I received a call from a lady who had a competitor hwe her basement glue-down carpet. It has major browning. It appears to be olefin or an olefin/nylon blend. The guy that cleaned it doesn't typically leave the rugs in a high ph state so I asked her how long it took to dry and she said 2 days. She called the guy back out to fix the carpet and she said he squirted liquid on it and used a "scrubber" machine. She said it looked good until it dried (another 2 days)and turned brown again. One of my regular customers suggested that she call me. I tested a few brown areas by spraying and brushing Hydrox mixed 1:3 and called to check back a couple of days later. The lady says it still looks good so I will use a Cimex with 1 to 3 Hydrox and fan dry to fix the browning. I'll take pictures if I can dig up the camera.

My question is this: I searched the forum for "browning" and read older posts about mixing Releasit with Citric Acid. Does this work better than Hydrox for browning?


Re: CGD browning

January 25 2012, 2:12 PM 

I'd still like to find out about mixing Releasit with Citric Acid, but while I stopped home for lunch I want to report that the carpets are dry and the browning is gone. The customers gave me a tip and told me I'll be picking up their oriental rugs soon. Also, I misspoke or misstyped earlier; I mixed the Hydrox at 20 oz per gallon, not 1:3. I did forget the camera - sorry.


Rick Gelinas


January 26 2012, 10:29 AM 

Encap-HydrOx. That's all you need. It has a pH of 3.5 in concentrate. And it also contains hydrogen peroxide. It'll knock the socks out of most browning situations.

And Kenny, it's not a good idea to add citric acid to Encap-Clean DS2. DS2 is an alkaline product, and its polymer was intended to reside in an alkaline basis. On the other hand, Encap-HydrOx is built with a unique acid and hydrogen peroxide stable polymer.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - CGD browning
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS