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Microfiber sofa

February 2 2012 at 9:10 PM

What is the best chemical and method for cleaning a microfiber sofa? Is it OK to apply Soileze for protector?

This message has been edited by KennyWright on Feb 2, 2012 9:11 PM

David Hebert

Re: Microfiber sofa

February 3 2012, 11:11 AM 

It is not a one size fits all situation, how is the microfiber construction
is it fuzzy or look and feel like suede.

Filthy or lightly soiled.

I have used Punch DS and Hydrox . HWE VLM used horse hair brush and micro fiber mitts.



Re: Microfiber sofa

February 3 2012, 12:01 PM 

The sofa is lightly stained. There is also a recliner in a daycare that is much more heavily soiled and has numerous spots from various juice, water, milk, etc. spills. The sofa has a fabric like suede. The recliner is a bit more fuzzy.


Re: Microfiber sofa

February 3 2012, 6:08 PM 

I use hydrox and have great results!

Joe M


February 4 2012, 1:24 PM 

I clean lots of uph, most now days are microfiber. Microfiber can take a beating.

I do all LM on uph using DS, bucket, sea sponge and towels.

I have had for the most part, all good luck.

Now, on your one that you said was in a daycare, make sure you point out all the problems that you see. You do not want to end up owning the sofa.

I make all my customers sign a weaver saying the pros and cons of cleaning the sofa.

Good luck.




February 4 2012, 1:53 PM 

Like I said before and I'll say it again, whether it's carpet or upholstery, also pre-test during the estimate. It shows the customer
what you can do for them and price the item according to the level of dirt. The customers next comment will be when can I have it cleaned if you as a Professional have done your job.

I use Encap Basic on upholstery. Apply with microfiber sponge. I always HWE with upholstery.

This message has been edited by Grossvater on Feb 4, 2012 2:40 PM


Re: Sofa

February 4 2012, 3:41 PM 

Thanks, I'll use either DS or Hydrox with sea sponge and towels.

Current Topic - Microfiber sofa
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