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Some Cimex questions

February 9 2012 at 12:30 PM
Joe Gilstrap 

Preparing to buy another new Cimex. The one I have now is the CR 48 with a 19 inch cleaning path. My questions are concerning the CR 38, 15 inch Cimex.

1. How does the 15 compare to the 19 power wise?

2. Can you get pad drivers and pads with the 15 inch?

3. Doesn't the 15 inch spin faster than the 19?

4. What would be the advantages of the 15 inch Cimex?

Appreciate anyone that can help, hopefully someone that has owned both machines.


Re: Some Cimex questions

February 9 2012, 3:52 PM 

The 15-inch has a little less head weight so she will jump around a little more than the 19-inch but I've not noticed any difference in cleaning ability.

Pad drives yes, pads no, you have to cut them yourself.

Yes the 15-inch rotates a lot faster 620-rpms vs 400-rpms for the 19-inch.

Their is an a advantage in small spaces, between chairs in auditoriums. The weight is such that one man could lift it where the 19-inches really takes two.

The real draw back is the pads, it sucks cutting them. sad.gif


Rick Gelinas

YES - we now have pads for the 15" Cimex

February 10 2012, 2:50 AM 

Hey guys,

We have a new item. We now have pads for the 15" Cimex. THEY'RE PRESENTLY IN STOCK. They'll be on the store soon. So no more cutting pads.

Rick Gelinas




Re: YES - we now have pads for the 15" Cimex

February 10 2012, 9:08 AM 

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!


You little beauty

February 12 2012, 4:36 AM 

They'll be very welcome down under.

(Better let Gary and James know) wink.gif


Current Topic - Some Cimex questions
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