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When and how to use Hydrox

February 9 2012 at 7:44 PM
Randy Beckner  

As I am new to encapping, any advise as to when and how to use Hydrox in my cimex will be appreciated.. I have successfully cleaned approx 50,000 sq ft of CGD carpet on 4 different jobs, using DS2 in the mex and presprayed punch on traffic lanes.

Here's my question, when & where do I use Hydrox? What if I can not identify a spot as organic or protein based prior to cleaning? Do I clean with DS2 and punch and if a spot remains use Hydrox on the spot? Secondly are there any problems using Hydrox on carpet with many colors?

I have read many posts on this topic and still do not totally understand when to use it. Any help is appreciated!



Rick Gelinas

Re: When and how to use Hydrox

February 10 2012, 2:43 AM 

Hey Randy,

You can use Encap-HydrOx for all your cleaning jobs, if you'd like to. However it's primary application is when for organic based soils and for conditions where there may be browning.

It is excellent if browning has occurred or if there's any chance the carpet will turn brown after cleaning - such as from wicking or water stains, etc. It works well on coffee stains. It can blow away red wine stains - especially when it's used as a spotting agent. To do spotting with it mix it 50/50 with water - it'll take knock out just about kind of organic "stain" you might come across. And if it's a really stubborn stain you can use Encap-Spot following Encap-HydrOx kind of like a two part stain remover. This works extremely well!!! ANd you would want to use it wherever there's urine in the carpet, or other organic based soils. As you can see Encap-HydrOx covers a really wide range of conditions throughout the entire range of organic soil.

Outside of these conditions where organic soil and browning are present, a more traditional approach with one of our other encap products would be perfect - such as Encap-Clean DS2, Bio-Encap, Encap-Basic, Encap-1, or Encap-Punch. I hope this answers your question.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - When and how to use Hydrox
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