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swirl marks and bonnet

February 14 2012 at 12:42 PM

Will bonnet pads on a cimex remove the swirl marks from the beige pads?

no 175 is available at this site.

Cimex only and the PM wants the marks removed.


Ken Jacobs
The Cosway Sales Group
789 Lakeshore Road East
Mississauga, Ontario Canada">">

Don Eldred

Re: swirl marks and bonnet

February 14 2012, 1:04 PM 

No. Will need to steam and groom to correct it. I know folks here say that people love the swirl marks, well not all of them do and once they are set in the fibre they can take a long time to disappear on there own. We always groom the swirl marks before the carpet dries

This message has been edited by CLEANEX on Feb 14, 2012 1:07 PM


Re: swirl marks and bonnet

February 14 2012, 1:27 PM 

Me too and a 175 with bonnet will do it but this client does not have one.  I have a nice rug renovator brush I can turn him on to.


Rick Gelinas

Re: swirl marks and bonnet

February 14 2012, 6:37 PM 

Don't be a hater Don. wink.gif

The swirl marks can be groomed out if it's done while the carpet is still wet. That's too much work for me though; I guess I'm lazy - or maybe it's because my cleaning customers never really objected to the swirls. But if you're really committed to removing that lovely swirl pattern showing the thoroughness of your cleaning passes... it will generally disappear on its own - after a few days of normal foot traffic and vacuuming.

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Feb 14, 2012 6:41 PM


Re: swirl marks and bonnet

February 14 2012, 7:59 PM 

"it will generally disappear on its own - after a few days of normal foot traffic and vacuuming"

I have been telling people this too for the last 7 or 8 years but I also have noticed in the 100 or so apartment buildings and wedding halls I have cleaned, the swirls do not go away in the areas where nobody is ever going to walk. Cleaners here use cheap vacuums that don't budge those swirls. Traffic makes them go away that's for sure but in Toronto people don't walk up against the edge of the wall  (except for the psych ward at the local hospital)


Thank You,

Ken Jacobs
The Cosway Sales Group
789 Lakeshore Road East
Mississauga, Ontario Canada

This message has been edited by dot_ca on Feb 14, 2012 8:00 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: swirl marks and bonnet

February 15 2012, 1:36 AM 

Apparently these are cut pile carpets that you're referring to. Have you noticed that running an upright vacuum cleaner will also leave marks in cut pile carpets? In my younger years I ran a commercial cleaning company that included office cleaning. We would make it a point to leave a nice vacuuming pattern in the carpet so the customer could see the what a thorough job we had done when they came in the next day. By the way, the vacuuming marks near the walls where no one walked were still there the next time we cleaned the office. This is a characteristic of cut pile carpets - it naturally shows pile reversal markings. It's never been an issue for any accounts I have serviced, nor are we hearing that it's a problem from our customers who have purchased Cimex machines. But if you're still concerned about the edges I'd recommend hitting the edges with a carpet rake (while the carpet's still wet). Yet they'll then have a different style of marking along the edges from the carpet groomer.

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Feb 15, 2012 2:09 AM


Re: swirl marks and bonnet

February 15 2012, 8:52 AM 

I should mention in all the years of selling and using the Cimex this is only the 2nd time somebody has mentioned the swirl marks.

He and I both know a floor machine with bonnet will get rid of those marks but it is not in the budget.

He asked me if bonnet on Cimex would do it.

thanks for the help

Ken Jacobs

Don Eldred

Re: swirl marks and bonnet

February 15 2012, 8:43 AM 

Rick I am not a hater!!!! of the system, just stating the facts, that not all people like the un-natural look of the swirl marks. Yes I am referring to cut pile style carpets and there are still some out there in the commercial field. I have no idea how the guys using a Cimex in residentail get away with leaving swirls marks that must remain there for a long time after the cleaning. There is a big difference between swirls marks and those left behind by a vacuum cleaner. I must be old school!!!!! just cann't leave a job looking that way


Kevin Pearson

Re: swirl marks and bonnet

February 15 2012, 9:19 AM 

I am with you Don. When we started using the Cimex and years ago when I ran an RX-20 with a TM we got complaints about the swirls. Back then we only had the carpet rake and on some carpets that would leave deep lines, so when I found the carpet broom we started using that after the Cimex and the problems went away. We only use it on the ones where the swirls marks are present. Most of the time it is not needed. We even clean at a MRI facility that has commercial level loop carpet but it leaves swirls, which frustrates me to no end.

Kevin Pearson


Re: swirl marks and bonnet

February 15 2012, 1:09 PM 

no need to "Steam" them away. just re-clean with the Cimex, then groom them out.

Current Topic - swirl marks and bonnet
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