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chemical mixing?

February 24 2012 at 6:08 PM

I am new to this so just wondering if you are cleaning a residential home do you bring chemical already mixed or do you use the customers hot water. Just wondering especially if you don't have a tm?


Geoff Alger

Re: chemical mixing?

February 25 2012, 2:24 AM 

Don't mix it beforehand.

You really need to see the carpet first to determine the type of carpet and amount of soiling before deciding what detergents or method will be best to use.

Kelly Wilmoth

RE: Chemical mixing

February 25 2012, 8:42 AM 

I always mix mine beforehand. Doing residential we use DS2 or Punch. I've not found nothing that 8oz of punch per gallon wouldn't clean, but lately I've been mixing DS2 at 4 oz per gallon and have been having tremendous success with it on residential. If it is really soiled bad you can add about 2 oz per gallon of punch to the DS2 mix for a little boost in cleaning power. Bio Encap works equally as well in place of DS2.

Al Taylor

Re: chemical mixing?

February 27 2012, 12:13 AM 

I first schedule a carpet inspection with the client. there i would determine what the carpet needs are based on inspection, ask questions such as what is your main concern? take notes. send the proposal stipulating what he/she should expect have them sign and fax back.

determining from the inspection how much solution it will take to clean the total areas I will fill my 5/gallon PENQUIN-sprayer and if needed a 5 gallon bucket with water to take to the location. Heat the water in sprayer with my bucket heater while I vacuum. Then add cleaning agents to machine with water based on my my inspection to get the carpet clean as it can get.

Al Taylor

Better is the end afterward of a matter than its beginning.

Current Topic - chemical mixing?
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