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Bought a New Cimex Today!!

February 29 2012 at 9:27 PM

Bought a cimex from Rick today, so excited for it to get here!! Thanks Excellent Supply you guys are awesome


Ya reckon ???

February 29 2012, 11:14 PM 

Ya think they're awesome, wait 'til ya get yer hands around that lovely lil; Mex;

She's simply the best.

Hope yer got the "Big Wheels" fitted??




March 1 2012, 9:45 PM 

Just make sure you eat your wheaties if you plan to lift big yellow.
She is a heavy machine.



March 1 2012, 10:29 PM 

I 60 yrs young and I don't have any trouble hauling the Cimex any where. Shorty what's wrong with these guys. Or is it you and me.


HUH ???

March 2 2012, 6:11 AM 

What's all the fuss about ???

Big Yella's not hard to move around............

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

The idea is to work smarter, not harder

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Anyone can do it.....

After going up three flights, there's only the internal stairs to get up..

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

Don't bust a gut trying to lift, put Big Wheels on (available from Excellent Supply) happy.gif and roll up and down the stairs.

In or out of the van, use ramps.

Life is only hard if you make it so.

Shortcrankyfatbaldoldfella happy.gif

Nick Palumbo


March 2 2012, 7:06 AM 

Wow that looks pretty easy.Hey Rick, how much is it to get one with the big

Joe M


March 2 2012, 10:12 AM 

Ok ok, will you old guys stop making the 47 yr old look bad.

Maybe I need my Wheaties.


Re: Ok

March 2 2012, 10:52 AM 

Thanks guys for all the info on the big wheels might have to get them at some point. I luckily still have my youth so hopefully it wont be a big deal for me.

Current Topic - Bought a New Cimex Today!!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS