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Acquiring new accounts

March 21 2012 at 11:41 PM

Rick Gelinas  

I thought we could open up some discussion together...

What is your approach for reaching new commercial clients?
What's your technique for dealing with the "Gatekeeper"?
How do you do research for appropriate accounts?
What steps are involved in acquiring the account?

Let's open this up to discussion.
What's working for you? What isn't working?

Looking forward to everyone's comments.

Rick Gelinas



Judd Bowers

Re: Acquiring new accounts

March 22 2012, 9:49 AM 

One way I try to land business is this...

Every business that I encounter throughout the day, obviously I look at their carpet. I try to find something that needs attention, usually its very easy. I say nothing immediately, but the next day I call and say, "I was in your office/store/business/restaurant yesterday and noticed (my observation). That doesn't present a very professional appearance. Who do I need to talk to about that? (The receptionist assumes I'm calling to complain and since no one likes to deal with a complainer they almost always send me to the "gatekeeper".) I repeat the same thing to the gatekeeper and add, "the reason that I noticed is because that's what I do. When can I come by and do a free demo?"

That's the Cliff's notes version, but hopefully you get the gist. Its landed me a lot of work, both carpet and janitorial.

rick lord

Acquiring New Accounnts

March 22 2012, 10:48 AM 

Good Topic! Here's the things that have worked for me.
1. Networking with other cleaners, helping/talking guys that are in the industry has
resulted in them referring me on several large accounts. They don't want or can't handle
2. Asking top people in my accounts for names of people in their similiar positions at other large
accounts, then calling and setting up a meeting and doing demo
3. Spending time just talking with my suppliers mentioning what I do in addition to CC'ing has
resulted in several large jobs
4. Cold Calling just selecting a business and walking in and talking to the person in charge of cleaning

Residential:(Don't do residential anymore)
1. Bought a list of Customers/Homes $299k and up and mailed out 500 post cards weekly would avg 3-5
jobs a week, this worked so well that I bought another list of 2000 homes $299k and down, this
didn't work at all
2. Referals from current customers
3. Flyers when I first started this worked well for me, but a real pain in the butting them out and some people get upset over them.

T&G and Stone:
1. RSVP Postcards, phone rang of the hook but it's expensive to do so you got to have big jobs
2. T&G easiest up sell in the business when i would be doing a carpet job, during the estimate I'd mention I aslo do T&G WHILE in a tiled are. Usually they would look down and add it.
3. Referals from other CC'ers and suppliers have resulted in some real nice jobs.

I've tried many different advertising ways but the above has worked the best for me.


Acquiring new accounts

March 23 2012, 2:45 PM 

Thanks for opening this up Rick!

I am a fresh newbie who is just beginning his business. Don't want to reinvent the wheel if I don't have to. Appreciate you seasoned vets sharing your experiences.

Steve Borcherdt

Acquiring new accounts

March 23 2012, 6:19 PM 

Thanks Rick, This is a good topic. I have had a residential business for years but am the new kid on the block with regard to securing commercial accounts.

Recently, I picked churches as a target market. I made a Google Map with churches on it in the areas I wanted to service and began cold calling them in person. In person is 'less efficient' with the travel but the ROI is better because I am engaging the right people in conversation. I am getting better at turning their objections around.

"Oh, we already have someone in the congregation, a volunteer, a full time staff person, our own machines...whatever"

I say, "That's great I work with all kinds of churches who have a member of the congregation, a volunteer, etc etc I do some free work (demo and maintenance strategy sheet) for free and some paid carpet cleaning. What kind of method are you using? (over 90% say HWE) Have you ever experienced a spot that keeps coming back? Some have some not. We should get together. I'd like to do a free demo.

I am coming to the end of my churches and I have had some success but I need a new direction for another target. What are your best accounts? Which ones do you wish you had more of.

thanks. steve

Rick Lord

A long wait

March 28 2012, 8:43 AM 

About two and 1/2 years ago my largest account had a change at the top, Director in charge of cleaning. At first he was going internal after about 9 months he was in trouble because of facility
appearance and got me back in. After a few months I asked if he could give me the names of other facility Directors and recommend me. well he didn't feel comfortable doing this as he was to new , and I think in a bit of trouble because the facility had gone down hill, but said I could use him as a reference. Fast forward to this monday,I get a call from one of the other facility Directors,saying I had been highly recommended by my current Dir and could I come down and look at their facility. Did a small two page presentation and small demo on a problem area and picked up the account.
So if some of these things don't work right away keep at it they just might turn into something down the road.
If I remember right Rick G had one go 4 or 5 years before he could get it


Rick Gelinas

Re: A long wait

March 30 2012, 6:43 AM 

Some nice comments above. I really appreciated Rick's thoughts. Persistence pays off! Once you have an interested party on the line, you ned to be persistent to make it happen. Continue to follow up. In time if there's a chance of getting the account if you've been the person persistently stirring the pot you'll get a chance to give them a proposal and pick up the account.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - Acquiring new accounts
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