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Steve Borcherdt is the March Photo Contest Winner

April 1 2012 at 10:05 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Steve Borcherdt posted the only entry for the photo contest back on March 3rd. Congratulations to Steve!

I guess it's hardly a contest when there's only 1 entry. LOL Come on guys - show us your stuff! Let's get the photos in here. I'm sure you guys are taking Before & After shots aren't you? It's a very powerful marketing tool.

Well hopefully the month of April will blow us away with awesome Before & After shots happy.gif

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 1, 2012 10:07 PM

Steve Borcherdt


April 2 2012, 3:58 PM 

Thanks so much Rick and Excellent Supply!! I explained in another post that I don't think this is my best work but I am not going to turn down the million dollars either.

Its great being on the forum with all of you.

Rick, you posted a topic awhile back and it was about getting business. I want to make a point here about persistence.

I have been out beating the street with some success. I went to a prayer meeting not a networking meeting and a guy there with no connection to the school district that I am aware of said why don't you contact XXX School District. I went out my door this morning and said I am one big contract away from solvency.

I walk into the district building and I see the spots, lots o' spots. The director was all ears and actually is anticipating a good result. I made NO guarantees.

It is also persistence that won the contest....just saying.

Thanks again, Rick.

Current Topic - Steve Borcherdt is the March Photo Contest Winner
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS