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my dad gave me a 20in 175 floor machine...

April 2 2012 at 10:57 PM

its a older model by Advance...but i would like to start using on some residential and commercial carpets. So which pads do you guys suggest on either settings? Oh and berbers too?

Judd Bowers

Re: my dad gave me a 20in 175 floor machine...

April 3 2012, 8:21 AM 

On residential carpet I would suggest Punch, some dwell time, and a quality bonnet. On commercial, you could prob use a Fiber+ pad, but I would still use Punch, dwell, bonnet.

Using Punch and letting it dwell will give you the most bang for your buck. I wouldn't suggest a Fiber+ on residential because it may be to aggressive, but you may know how to operate one better than me.


Rick Gelinas

Re: my dad gave me a 20in 175 floor machine...

April 3 2012, 12:56 PM 

A FiberPlus pad can be used on all but the most delicate residential carpets. ANYTIME you use a rotary machine on a cut pile carpet (residential or commercial) you need to exercise caution that you don't distort the pile. Good lubrication to the bonnet or pad is essential. Keep it damp. Don't stand in one place for to long. And remain attentive to observe early indications of pile distortion.

As Judd mentioned above - Encap-Punch is a good product for residential (or commercial) bonnet cleaning. Thorough bonnet cleaning on residential carpet can produce acceptably good results. If you're going to do traditional encap cleaning on a commercial carpet, you could use Encap-Clean DS2 dispensed through a shampoo tank, along with FiberPlus pads. Straight encap cleaning is a good way to provide maintenance cleaning on a commercial carpet, although hot water extraction or quality bonnet cleaning would be a better choice in a residential setting.

Hope that gives you some ideas.

Rick Gelinas




What I use

April 3 2012, 1:35 PM 

I use a 17" machine with a tank. On comm work I use either Fiber plus max or just fiber plus and ds or hydrox.

For resi work I use a bonnett or on berber a fiber plus pad, I will also use encap green.

Using a rotory on resi work is a little safer then using a op machine. Op machines are very agresive unlike a rotory.

Current Topic - my dad gave me a 20in 175 floor machine...
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