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Hydrox as coffee remover

April 6 2012 at 4:32 PM

I have been using encap Hydrox as a prespray for coffee in retail locations. It is on the acid side, and best of all we dont have to rinse it if I just use Hydrox as the prespray. It does a good joob without the smell and other issues with most coffe removers. Now and then we have to pull out the old coffee remover and suck it out with a spotter, but so far its great. We follow with our regular Cimex scrub using DS.
I mix the Hydrox spotting spray at least 50/50 with water, and often I mix it 70-30, the extra hydrox can really help those coffe stains that just wont budge with DS alone.
My question is, once I mix up the Hydrox as a prespray for spotting, what is the shelf life?
On tough stains we have also been apraying the Hydrox spray, then follow with some Encap-Spot on the stain. Its seems to work like an encap version of Stain Magic. I think Stain Magic seems stronger but with the encap products I dont have to rinse. I might blot with a towel and always follow with the Cimex using DS.
In the commercial setting we also use Power Gel, most of the time the spots just work out and we Cimex over them. Now and then I get a spot that I have to use some Encap spot on to "rinse" after useing the Power Gel and then blot it out with a towel before finishing with a Cimex and DS.
I carry fewer products than ever before for my commercial accoounts, very sweet.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hydrox as coffee remover

April 7 2012, 8:28 AM 

Hey Paul,

You are doing it all right my friend. Encap-HydrOx works very well on coffee and red wine stains too. You can actually use it straight from the jug as a spotter. Blot it with a terrycloth towel. And if you go behind it with Encap-Spot - you will get an effect like Stain Magic. This tag-team works really well on tough organic stains.

Regarding the shelf life of mixed Encap-HydrOx, if it's in an non-clear bottle, the shelf life should last several days. But keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide loses it's kick when it's subjected to light and high temperatures. So try to store ay mixed HydrOx in a sealed non-clear bottle, in a dark place, and at cool temps. And if it's possible, only mix what you'll ned for a couple of days so you can avoid storing more than you need.

One word of caution when working with Encap-HydrOX would be to test for colorfastness, in the rare event that the color can be pulled. Blot red or other bright colored sections of the carpet with a white terrycloth towel in an inconspicuous area to see if there's any color transfer. In most cases there won't be a color loss. But it's better to be safe than sorry.

Rick Gelinas




Re: Hydrox as coffee remover

April 8 2012, 8:22 AM 

"keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide loses it's kick when it's subjected to light and high temperatures"

When I use Hydrox as a prespray, I put it down hot. If I'm going to carry a bottle of 50/50 or better for a spotter, should it be mixed with hot or cold water?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hydrox as coffee remover

April 8 2012, 11:35 AM 

Using it hot will not adversely affect it. However storing hydrogen peroxide for an extended period of time in a hot environment will cause it to break down.

Rick Gelinas



Current Topic - Hydrox as coffee remover
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