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Belt tention for a Cimex

April 23 2012 at 10:01 AM
Steve Dills 

The belt slips on my Cimex 19" at times. What is the correct prodecure to tighten it up? How tight should it be? What is the life of a belt?

Rick Thode

Re: Belt tention for a Cimex

April 23 2012, 11:52 AM 

There is no way to adjust tension on the belt. Once the belt starts to slip, it is time to replace.

Rick Thode
Your Canadian Source for Releasit/Cimex

Steve Dills

Re: Belt tention for a Cimex

April 23 2012, 4:08 PM 

I was afraid of that. Thanks.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Belt tention for a Cimex

April 23 2012, 10:28 PM 

The belt will last for quite a while, but when it starts to slip it's a sign that it's starting to wear out. The slippage you're experiencing is an early indicator that you are heading toward needing a new belt (however it will still run quite a while after it starts slipping). You might want to order one and have it on hand. We can walk you through replacement - it's not too difficult.

Note: It's a good idea to (1) lift the head of the Cimex off the floor when you start up the motor. Also (2) dispense a little solution through the pads while the head is spinning off of the carpet. And (3) start to walk a step forward as you gradually lower the pad gently to the carpet. This will help to take the strain off the belt and help make the belt last longer.

Belt wear is a normal occurrence. It sounds like your belt is closing in on needing to be replaced. Here's what you're looking at, when the time comes...

Rick Gelinas




Re: Belt tention for a Cimex

April 24 2012, 1:13 PM 

they do generally last a long time if some care is taken as Rick suggested. my stock belt is still rockin it! the stock pad driver is another story...i'll start a new thread now.

Current Topic - Belt tention for a Cimex
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS