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Cimex junk!!

April 24 2012 at 1:22 PM

i bought a new Cimex from Excellent Supply in 2004 and this piece of junk is falling apart!

after 8 years i've had to replace the hand grips and NOW i have to replace a pad driver! do you know how irritating this is? GRRRRRRRR

soooo i am thinking some Gorilla Glue will do the trick. the older style stock pad drivers are a bit heavier (which i love) - the black hard plastic bottom half came cleanly apart from the light gray foam upper half. will some sandpapering and Gorilla Glue application work, or is another adhesive better?

glad i always have a spare set of Bike Handles & Pad Drivers! it's like i need extra storage space to store ALL these spare Cimex parts!

thanx! --- Derek wink.gif


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex junk!!

April 24 2012, 2:21 PM 

3M Super Weatherstrip Adhesive works wonders on loose velcro on your pad drivers.

Sorry you made such an unsound investment LOL

Just curious... How many dollars would you say you've taken in during the past 8 years with that machine?

Rick Gelinas





April 24 2012, 2:26 PM 

lol, tx Rick i will have to get me some.

hmm well several hundred thousand dollars is close enough...but still!!! the Bike handles cost me $15 and the pad drivers were like $100? back when i bought them!

is that a good ROI ??


This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Apr 24, 2012 2:54 PM

Joe M

Oh man

April 24 2012, 3:21 PM 

After eight years and that's it. LOL.

You should see my wife after eight years. Shes got parts unglued and bits and pieces flapping in the wind. Wish some gorilla glue would fix it but guess not.

Conside yourself lucky that it's just grips and pads. LOL.

Oh and at least your made money on your investment. This one cost me money.


Re: Oh man

April 24 2012, 11:35 PM 

i am generally very rough on things i own. this is 1 tough machine.


tougher than....................................

April 25 2012, 7:00 AM 

My lovely little yellow 'n blue 'Mex; has lasted me longer than my ex;

Virtually no breakdowns that cost me time. (With 'Mexie:)

I can see us retiring together.

Happy happy days, how I love these happy days........




Re: tougher than....................................

May 1 2012, 11:54 AM 

local mom-N-pop hardware store didn't have the 3M stuff, so i used a marine goop type product. worked perfectly. thanks Rick! i love these stock drivers. the newer style drivers are just too light for me and the head tends to flip up easier. plus, the newer ones tend to fall off my machine if i lift the head off the carpet whilst it is spinning.

now i just gotta buy some grips.

Current Topic - Cimex junk!!
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