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Can you Encap Rugs

May 6 2012 at 9:52 AM
John Rogers  

can you encap rugs, wool, or orientalist rugs... ?

David Hebert

Re: Can you Encap Rugs

May 6 2012, 10:06 AM 

That is a great question, as with many things it depends.

It would depend on the rug ,the condition of the rug, the soil load of the rug along with several other variables.

I know I am taking a leap here but my presumption is you mean just scrubbing the rug not rinsing it off?

John Rogers

Re: Can you Encap Rugs

May 6 2012, 10:14 AM 

well yeah i am talking about using a 175 or cimex machine and cleaning it just like you encap carpet..? ...

David Hebert

Re: Can you Encap Rugs

May 6 2012, 3:29 PM 

Yes you can , but as I said it would depend on the rug and soil conditions.

Going that route dusting the rug would be very crucial step. Even encaping a rug I would never do it in a home unless it is synthetic or a rug with little to no value


Kevin Pearson

Re: Can you Encap Rugs

May 6 2012, 5:42 PM 

As has been mentioned above, you can encap rugs but dusting them would be extremely important. We encap some rugs in our plant. We also use Releasit on a lot of rugs even in our wash pit. It is such a good cleaner that we use it rather than buying something else. So if you look at it like that then most rugs in our plant get encapped with the Cimex/Releasit combo even if they are getting washed.

Kevin Pearson

Judd Bowers

Re: Can you Encap Rugs

May 7 2012, 11:46 AM 

I've found pretty good success at encapping rugs. I use my Orbot plus my CRB machine. They've all turned out really nice. Recently just did a very thick rug at an assisted living facility. The staff complimented the job profusely, but the owner said she didn't like the stripes. So that had to be fixed. (first time I've ever had someone complain about that, but she was french :^) )

Current Topic - Can you Encap Rugs
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS