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Filthy House

May 23 2012 at 6:05 PM


Did an estimate today for this Filthy empty house
that actually a family wants to move into.
Just a sample of the carpet. Test spot came out good.
I have 6 other pics but will post before & after pics if we clean.
This carpet is only 1 year old. Contractors have to come in and remodel entire bathroom and kitchen floor. Landlord wants it cleaned rather than replaced so we will see in a few days. Everything in this house is FILTHY.
Walls, windows, floors ceilings, you name it. Actually 5 gals of gas and a match would work best. I know Releasit D/S or Hydrox can clean it so we'll see. Kenny Rogers is not around so we haven't folded our hand yet.
This house will be HWE cleaned.


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This message has been edited by Grossvater on May 23, 2012 6:35 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Filthy House

May 26 2012, 7:40 AM 

"5 gals of gas and a match" LOL
Maybe we should add gas cans to our product line at Excellent Supply wink.gif

I wish you the best with this stinker. Take some good pictures.

Rick Gelinas





Filthy House

May 26 2012, 9:22 AM 

One more preview pic. I took 7 pics but a few at a time. We should hear in a couple of days whether we are cleaning this house.


Re: Filthy House

May 26 2012, 7:59 PM 

Hwe along with a Rotary or a CRB and you will be a hero



Filthy House

May 26 2012, 8:57 PM 

I always use a rotary on every carpet no matter what.
Will use a six jet power head to HWE. It weighs a lot.
The home is empty and the ten little pigs use to live there.
Just waiting on the go ahead. 5 stinky filthy rooms. = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Kevin Pearson

Re: Filthy House

May 28 2012, 10:46 PM 

You could use the Cimex/Releasit combo followed by HWE. We had to do that two weeks ago on a bad vacant house for a realtor. Came out great though, they even sent us a personal thank you note.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - Filthy House
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS