This message board has been upgraded to a new forum with a number of user improvements.
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The EncapBoard is going away soon

June 6 2012 at 8:09 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Only to be replaced with a newer and much nicer forum! happy.gif

We've been hosting the EncapBoard on this platform for 10 years (2002-2012). And the old forum architecture has gotten a little bit creaky by today's standards. So a long overdue move is currently underway.

The new Forum will require that you set up a new user name and password. But that's where the pain will end. The new forum is so much more pleasant from the user's perspective. You guys are gonna love it!

We're also trying diligently to find a way to port the old data into the new forum. That's gonna be more of a challenge than you might imagine. But I'm hopeful that we'll come up with something so that we can keep a searchable archive of this past decade of comments on this forum.

So stay tuned. A new and improved message board is just days away. happy.gif

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Jun 6, 2012 8:09 PM


Kevin Pearson

Re: The EncapBoard is going away soon

June 6 2012, 8:48 PM 

I sure hope it will be easier to find things than the new ICS board. Still getting used to that one. Although if you are doing it Rick I am sure it will be great, because that's the way you roll. Looking forward to it.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Re: The EncapBoard is going away soon

June 6 2012, 10:36 PM 

I'm having a hard time falling in love with their new format too Kevin. The ICS approach was a big transition from their old board - with the thought of adding many new features. It's a bold move. I know the folks at ICS are working hard to sort everything out and iron out the kinks. And I assume that when they're done, they'll have something great. By comparison, what we're doing here is less ambitious. We're simply moving to a much nicer platform. The new design is much nicer to work with. So rather than reinventing the wheel (like they're shooting for over at ICS) we're simply bringing a much nicer wheel to the table! I think you'll like it.

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Jun 6, 2012 10:37 PM


Re: The EncapBoard is going away soon

June 7 2012, 2:27 AM 

Hey Rick please try to keep all the archive information. I always find good stuff there. It has saved me a lot of pain over the years!


Rick Gelinas

Re: The EncapBoard is going away soon

June 7 2012, 6:21 AM 

We'll have the old data archived. I don't want to lose 10 years worth of discussion either. There's been so much excellent information shared here! So we're looking at ways to extract the data and format it into a searchable file.

Rick Gelinas




Re: The EncapBoard is going away soon

June 7 2012, 12:40 PM 

is there a date in mind of when the new forum will be up?


Rick Gelinas

Re: The EncapBoard is going away soon

June 7 2012, 3:37 PM 

We're shooting for having it ready in about a week. Possibly sooner.

Rick Gelinas



This message has been edited by cimex on Jun 7, 2012 3:48 PM

Current Topic - The EncapBoard is going away soon
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