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cimexed restaurant question - Printable Version

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cimexed restaurant question - mark63 - 06-27-2014

I cimexed a restaurant last night. Got great results, cimex & DS2. it was very bad in some spots. is there a risk of the grease reforming or should I expect the encap to hold onto the grease till its vacuumed up? also I noticed in some bad spots that my encap was not foaming as i was working it but still seemed to clean? PS. on the walk way out of the kitchen, It was so thick with grease you could not see the carpet, I used grease subtractor (suitable for syn cpt) let it sit then went over it with my cimex "had to trough he pads out after it was so bad" and then flushed and sucked up with my portable. It came out fantastic.

RE: cimexed restaurant question - encapman - 06-27-2014

Sounds like you had the right approach. When a carpet is LOADED with grease like what you described, HWE is recommended. Encap can do an excellent job of handling the normal maintenance, and it can even tackle some oils and grease too. But when there's a complete overload of grease and crud, it's a good idea to also empty the carpet with a good extraction.

RE: cimexed restaurant question - mark63 - 06-28-2014

Thanks Rick. I encapped a lot of grease in other areas, I'm wondering if I should expect the encap to hold onto all that grease until its vacuumed up? It looked very good when I left.

RE: cimexed restaurant question - encapman - 06-28-2014

It's iffy. You're asking a lot of an encap polymer to swallow a ton of grease and hold it in suspension for post-vacuuming. Not saying that it's not possible, because some pretty cool stuff has been accomplished using Releasit on grease and oil. But it is taking things to the limit. That's why we suggest implementing some HWE when it comes to cleaning a grungy grease pit.

RE: cimexed restaurant question - mark63 - 06-28-2014

Thanks again. I know I askith alot from DS2. It,s been amazing me since I started using it!