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Help with washable crayons on belgian linen chair - Printable Version

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Help with washable crayons on belgian linen chair - HBMville - 10-08-2014

Hello guys, I'm new to the forum and the carpet cleaning industry. Can any of you tell me how to clean a belgian linen chair that a child has written all over with "washable" crayons? I'm a low-moisture guy so I don't have a TM but I do have a 500psi portable and portable spotting machine. I have attached a picture and thank you for any help you can offer!

RE: Help with washable crayons on belgian linen chair - the rugman - 10-09-2014

OUCH! If it truly washable your spotter might just take it out. I would use an acid side chem in it - spray a little neutral spotter on the cushion first. You will have to wet out the entire thing evenly to avoid water marks. Post spray with something like fab set. Make no promises!!!

RE: Help with washable crayons on belgian linen chair - encapman - 10-09-2014

Don’t know what to advise on this one. Sometimes someone else’s problems should be left that way. In this case the owner of the chair has the problem. And if YOU the cleaner mess up their Belgian linen - it will now become YOUR problem. Sometimes it is best to pass up a job. Removing the crayon's wax and dyes is one thing - not messing up the Belgian linen is quite another. Maybe someone else will have another answer. I admit - fine upholstery was never my field of expertise - rather my background is largely in commercial carpet care. Sorry that I don't have a better answer for you. Perhaps you could contact CTI; they have a great line of products and may have a suggestion for Crayon on Belgian linen. http://www.proschoice.com/html/contact_us.html

RE: Help with washable crayons on belgian linen chair - HBMville - 10-12-2014

Thank you very much for the help and a great point of view. I originally passed on this cleaning opportunity because the risk/reward ratio was not in my favor, however she recently told me she was going to replace the chair and that I could have it to "experiment" with. I'll let you know how it goes.

RE: Help with washable crayons on belgian linen chair - HBMville - 03-24-2015

I thought I would update anyone who is interested on how I successfully cleaned this chair. I contacted Todd Hinde at CTI and he suggested the following:

  1. Use Ultra TLC as a pre-spray. I diluted it at 1:16 with warm water.
  2. Agitate with a horsehair brush.
  3. Extract with CTI Natural Fiber Cleaner.
  4. I repeated this process 6 or 7 times, each time emulsifying the crayons then extracting.
  5. Dry as quickly as possible with an air mover. 
It turned out perfectly. The customer was ecstatic and posted it on Facebook. There were over 100 "Likes" and we've received at least 6 jobs directly related to this chair. 

RE: Help with washable crayons on belgian linen chair - encapman - 03-24-2015

Awesome!!! Way to go Smile