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what equipment to clean tile? - Printable Version

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what equipment to clean tile? - CleanItGreen - 12-12-2014

sorry if this is a repeat question.  what are you guys using to clean tile?  in my head i know i can use the white brushes on my cimex to scrub with, somehow use my portable extractor to suck up the slurry, and I believe i need to get some type of material to put around edges and under things to keep the water in the middle of the floor.  what am i missing? 

RE: what equipment to clean tile? - Bccc - 12-14-2014

Prespray tile enough to get it all wet. Do small areas so the prespray doesnt dry. scrub with brushes if really dirty and then buy a spiner tool for your portable. Turn up pressure and rinse it well. You wont have a lot of water down so no worries about keeping it contained.

RE: what equipment to clean tile? - encapman - 12-15-2014

Nice explanation!

RE: what equipment to clean tile? - CleanItGreen - 12-15-2014

OK, spinner tool for the porty? Got a brand name? I think I know what you're referring to.

RE: what equipment to clean tile? - encapman - 12-15-2014

(12-15-2014, 01:35 PM)CleanItGreen Wrote: OK,  spinner tool for the porty?   Got a brand name?   I think I know what you're referring to.

You really will need a truckmount, or high pressure porty - 1,000 psi or higher.

You can't really do T&G justice without that kind of pressure. Plus you need auto-fill auto-dump.

Here is a link to the Turbo Tool...

We handle Kleenrite equipment. They have a really nice High Powered extractor for T&G. Here is their description...
  • The NEW Horizon tile machine allows you to put the innovation that we're known for at KleenRite with the power and versatility of a 1200 PSI fully-adjustable chemical pump to work for you... Combine that with a dual-vacuum system with 150 inches of lift, and automatic discharge (up to 20 gallons per minute) and you have a system that will allow you to take on even the toughest of tile and hard-surface cleaning tasks with ease. Solution and Vacuum hoses included.
Let me know if any of this interests you. Frankly to do T&G work without this kind of equipment would be a fairly large handicap. 

RE: what equipment to clean tile? - turnkey cleaner - 12-22-2014

Previously, I cleaned many, many restaurants, all tile & grout with heavy grease! I have owned and used a truckmount and 2 different types of high pressure portables. Rick, I have owned including, 2 each Kleenrite & 1 each Timbuktoo. Hands down the Kleenrite was the best machine for the money and performance. When my truckmount finally died, I broke it down & used my high pressure little giant propane heater inline with my high pressure portable. 1200psi with 180 degree water. I found that the best chemicals for cleaning heavy grease in grout is the following:

1) Anvil
2) Shoreline 2790
3) Grease Eraser (actually a carpet cleaning chemical from Chemister) not sure if that is spelled correctly or not

When I was cleaning a lot of restaurants, I always offered to clean their tileboard walls and ceiling (if they had tileboard) and I used Grease Eraser on this also.

I am not new to the forum just had to change my login user name. The system would not allow me to use my old sign in name! Smile