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How to protect blue paint around edges? - Printable Version

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How to protect blue paint around edges? - Derek - 12-13-2014

i'd like to be able to protect the blue paint around the edges of the spinning head on my new Cimex for once. it also needs to protect baseboards from any marks. anyone found a way to do this without making the Cimex look funny? 

thanks Smile

RE: How to protect blue paint around edges? - encapman - 12-13-2014

The blue color on the Cimex deck is sooooo very easy to touch up with blue spray paint. Dark blue spray paint will cover the scratches completely. The deck color can be easily covered with basic hardware store spray paint. There's something about this shade of blue - it's just about the simplest thing to match. We do it all the time. Easy peazy!