Encapsulation carpet cleaning and commercial carpet care forum by Excellent-Supply.com & Releasit
New Directory for Carpet Cleaners - Printable Version

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New Directory for Carpet Cleaners - Aussie Geoff - 12-17-2014

Firstly, a big thank you to Rick for allowing me to post this here.

There is now a new low cost online directory for our industry. 
It's called Your Local Carpet Cleaner.
We have a special deal in place for December only where you can get a 12-month membership for only $49.99. That’s half price!!
While there are many directories online, there are no quality ones specialised for carpet cleaning, so an industry-specific directory like Your Local Carpet Cleaner will rate well on search engines like Google & Yahoo etc.
My aim is to make the site well-known as the go-to website for finding a carpet cleaner.
You can check it out here: http://yourlocalcarpetcleaner.com/home

RE: New Directory for Carpet Cleaners - Aussie Geoff - 12-21-2014

Rick, can I add this:
Your Local Carpet Cleaner is having a Christmas Competition
There is a prize for:
*whoever has done the strangest carpet cleaning job
Prize will be an annual membership to the new directory – Your Local Carpet Cleaner
Winner will be advised at the end of December.

I could tell you about the house that had goats and a doberman inside.....

RE: New Directory for Carpet Cleaners - Act One Cleaning - 12-21-2014

Aussie, could it include extraction jobs, or just encaps?

RE: New Directory for Carpet Cleaners - Aussie Geoff - 12-21-2014

Extraction jobs are fine Stephen. I was going to use "most embarrassing job" but knowing some of the blokes on here ......